The Phnom Penh Post

Visa changes ‘still uncertain’

- Niem Chheng

THE Department of Immigratio­n is yet to make official changes to immigratio­n rules requiring foreigners applying for six- or 12-month visas to have a work permit, an official said yesterday.

Sok Veasna, a director at the Interior Ministry’s General Department of Immigratio­n, said although the proposed changes regarding long-term visas were being discussed, they were not finalised.

“We haven’t issued the official letter about that; please wait for the official letter,” said Veasna, who declined to be drawn on specifics. “We are studying more about the law. We just study it but haven’t decided how to do it, whether to apply the rules according to law or to strengthen them.”

Rumours of the change have been spreading in recent days. An article run by Business2B­usiness said the changes would come into effect on September 4, citing confirmati­on by people within the Immigratio­n Department.

Last week the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia issued a notice warning the changes would take place from September 1, pointing out the move could impact freelancer­s, and

We haven’t issued the official letter about that; please wait for the official letter . . .We are studying more about the law

noting that i f freelancer­s wished to apply, “they will need to give the address of their Cambodian employer”.

Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak was unable to be reached yesterday.

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