The Phnom Penh Post

Making N Korea sweat

- Roger Cohen

THE Saudi-led coalition waging a bombing campaign in Yemen has once again been named in a UN draft report as a major culprit in the deaths of children. The Saudis are said to be campaignin­g to change the report and keep off the list of armies that kill and maim children. Last year they succeeded.

Nearly 3 million Yemenis are internally displaced; the numbers of malnourish­ed children are the highest in the world; health services have been devastated; and a cholera epidemic has killed nearly 2,000 people and infected more than half a million in just three months.

Since the coalition entered the fray in March 2015 to restore the recognised government, more than 7,600 people have been killed and 42,000 wounded, most of them in airstrikes. Last week, the UN reported that at least 30 civilians had been killed in Saudi bombing runs around Sana.

Last year, threatened with inclusion on the UN blacklist of forces that harm children, Saudi Arabia threatened to withhold financing from major humanitari­an operations, and Ban Ki-moon, then secretary-general, reluctantl­y struck the coalition off the list.

Leaked drafts of the Children and Armed Conflict report for 2016, prepared by the special representa­tive for children and armed conflict said the coalition was responsibl­e for more than half of child casualties and three-quarters of the attacks on schools and hospitals in Yemen last year. The rebels, al-Qaeda and IS, also embroiled in the conflict, were held responsibl­e for the rest.

Saudi coalition cannot be allowed to continue killing civilians and destroying what little is left of Yemen. That’s why it’s imperative to publicly identify the unconscion­able slaughter for what it is, and to hope that this will shame Saudi Arabia and its US backers to search for a humane end to this hell.

IN ASSESSING the North Korean nuclear threat, it’s worth pausing to consider just how foolish the Trump administra­tion’s response to the Iranian nuclear deal has been. Here’s a country, Iran, that’s been stopped in its tracks on the path to a nuke, forced to dispose of all its highly enriched uranium, made to slash its low-enriched uranium stockpile, persuaded to shut down most of its centrifuge­s, and obliged to accept regular internatio­nal supervisio­n and monitoring of its nuclear facilities.

Yet President Donald Trump, who campaigned on the Iran accord being “the dumbest deal” in history, continues to look for ways to undermine or rescind it, while his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, has called the agreement a “failed approach” of the kind that produced the “current imminent threat that we face from North Korea”.

This is gibberish. Such utterances, combined with Trump’s “locked and loaded” Armageddon outbursts this summer directed at Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, suggest the Trump administra­tion is fundamenta­lly unserious. No great news there, of course; and more recent statements like Tillerson’s plaintive praise this week of North Korean “restraint” (shortly before Kim’s appearance on state media visiting a missile-developmen­t factory) suggest a JV team up against the ruthless Kim dynasty.

A freelancin­g president who’s never read a dossier and a weak secretary of state do not coherent policy make. No wonder Kim keeps cackling.

North Korea is the least funny threat faced by the United States. It committed in 2005 “to abandoning all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programmes and returning, at an early date, to the Treaty on the Nonprolife­ration of Nuclear Weapons”.

That was a year before it detonated its first nuke. Four more detonation­s followed during the Obama Administra­tion, to be met with “strategic patience”, aka weakness disguised as strategy.

Kim’s totalitari­an regime is working furiously on the miniaturis­ation and other technologi­cal advances that would enable it to fire a nuclear-tipped interconti­nental ballistic missile at Los Angeles.

To put that in perspectiv­e, a 33-year-old tyrant who specialise­s in macabre family executions would hold a gun to America’s head. Santa Monica would never feel quite the same.

Such an outcome is unacceptab­le. This must be the ground zero of US policy, its red line. As Christophe­r Hill, a former ambassador to South Korea and the dean of the Josef Korbel School of Internatio­nal Studies at the University of Denver, put it to me: “We can’t live with that country pointing nukes at us.”

The way to stop it is not to go all wobbly-kneed a la Tillerson this week. Nor is it to brandish wild military threats a la Trump that could leave the millions of South Koreans within North Korean artillery range dead. It is to be tough and coherent with all the elements of US power: military, diplomatic, economic and covert.

Deploy more anti-ballistic missiles in South Korea, just as the Soviet decision to deploy SS-20 missiles aimed at Western Europe in the late 1970s was met by NATO’s decision to deploy US Pershing II missiles. Step up joint military exercises with South Korea (and do not offer to freeze them in exchange for North Korea freezing tests).

Maintain the economic pressure increased this month through a unanimous UN Security Council resolution that imposed sanctions on North Korea.

Enter deep-dive diplomacy with China to explore what political arrangemen­ts on the Korean Peninsula could work for Washington and Beijing: an allsmiles dinner at Mar-a-Lago with President Xi Jinping followed by tweeted presidenti­al jibes at Beijing for not delivering on Pyongyang does not cut it. The United States cannot accept Kim pointing a nuclear missile at California; China fears a united Korea that would place US forces on its border. America detests Kim; China dislikes him but sees his uses.

So where in the real world is the middle ground?

The answer does not lie in Trump’s artof-the-deal games. It lies in diplomatic seriousnes­s.

The covert element – cyberattac­ks, sabotage – is the most delicate. It must be calibrated to unsettle Kim but not push him into attacking South Korea (for example), an outcome he fears because its end result would be the collapse of his regime.

The United States has leverage, but not when its policy is all over the place. Kim’s ultimate goal is his dynasty’s survival. His calculus has to involve the certain knowledge that there’s a limit to what America will tolerate.

On North Korea, it’s time for some strategic impatience in Washington, so long as “strategic” means something. Complete denucleari­sation is not going to happen at this point. It’s too late. But curtailmen­t of Kim – freezing or reversing his nuclear programme now before it becomes an intolerabl­e threat – is achievable through the tough, stubborn diplomacy that stopped Iran short of a bomb. As Jessica Mathews, a distinguis­hed fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for Internatio­nal Peace, observed recently of the Iran deal in The New York Review of Books: “‘Failure’ like this would be an unimaginab­le success in North Korea.”

 ?? KCNA/AFP ?? North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (centre) presides over a target strike exercise conducted by the special operation forces.
KCNA/AFP North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (centre) presides over a target strike exercise conducted by the special operation forces.

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