The Phnom Penh Post

City official faces firing

- Kong Meta

APHNOM Penh City Hall official was demoted last week and faces possible terminatio­n at the hands of her brother after criticisin­g the city’s flood prevention on her Facebook page.

Khut Sopheap, a deputy director in the city’s Department of Informatio­n, said she posted the critique after several areas of the city, including her neighbourh­ood, experience­d severe flooding during the Pchum Ben holiday.

“Every time I go abroad, when asked where I am from, I almost have no courage to say where I am from and which nationalit­y I am,” Sopheap posted on her page, along with a photograph of her flooded laundry room and car.

“This is after just two hours raining. In my next life, I wish to not be born Khmer because I am not proud.”

Khut Samkhan, the city’s Informatio­n Department director, who is also Sopheap’s brother, said that he stripped his sister of the deputy director title because of her “bad morality” and “scolding” language on subsequent comments.

“As a public servant, she should not use racist words, hating being Khmer,” Samkhan said. “We totally cannot accept it.”

He added that he will re- quest his sister’s terminatio­n from Phnom Penh Governor Khuong Sreng today. Sreng said yesterday that he had not yet made a decision on the matter.

According to the Cambodian Labour Law, employees can be terminated at will as long as employers have a “valid reason relating to the employee’s aptitude or behaviour”.

Sopheap said that she apologised for her post but remained defiant about her possible terminatio­n.

“If they think that such criticism really damages the country, let them do it,” she said. “I am responsibl­e for what I do.”

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Phnom Penh City Hall Deputy Informatio­n Department Director Khut Sopheap was demoted over a Facebook post critiquing flooding in the capital during the Pchum Ben festival.
SUPPLIED Phnom Penh City Hall Deputy Informatio­n Department Director Khut Sopheap was demoted over a Facebook post critiquing flooding in the capital during the Pchum Ben festival.

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