The Phnom Penh Post

Pro-unity Catalans protest in Barcelona

- Daniel Silva and Diego Urdaneta

PROTESTERS flocked to Barcelona yesterday wrapped in Spanish flags to rally against plans by separatist leaders to declare Catalonia independen­t following a banned secession referendum.

Catalans calling themselves a “silent majority” opposed to leaving Spain broke their silence after a week of mounting anxiety over Spain’s worst political crisis in a generation.

Around 350,000 people attended the rally in Barcelona yesterday, municipal police said, while organisers put turnout at 930,000 to 950,000.

“We have perhaps been silent too long,” Alejandro Marcos, 44, said. “It seems that the one who yells the most wins the argument. So we have to raise our voices and say loud and clear that we do not want independen­ce.”

Some protesters called for the region’s separatist President Carles Puigdemont to go to jail for holding a vote on independen­ce in defiance of the Spanish government and courts.

“The unity of Spain cannot be voted on or negotiated – it must be defended,” read one sign in the crowd.

Rajoy’s stern warning

Recent polls had indicated that Catalans are split on inde- pendence, though leaders said the violence during the referendum turned many against the state authoritie­s.

On the eve of the rally, Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy issued a stern warning to Catalan leaders who have said they could declare independen­ce this week. He did not rule out suspending Catalonia’s regional autonomy – a move that could risk sparking unrest.

“I rule out absolutely nothing that is allowed for under the law,” he said in an interview published in El Pais newspaper.

“The ideal would be not to have to take drastic measures,” he said. “I would like this threat of a declaratio­n of independen­ce to be withdrawn as quickly as possible.”

Calls for dialogue

Yesterday’s rally came one week after the contested vote that has triggered Spain’s worst political crisis in a generation.

The Barcelona protest – organised by the Societat Civil Catalana, the main anti-inde- pendence group in Catalonia – got underway at noon. The slogan for the rally was: “Enough, lets recover good sense!”

On Saturday tens of thousands of demonstrat­ors, many dressed in white, hit the streets of Madrid and other cities across Spain to demand dialogue to end the dispute.

‘Still time’

Tensions soared after police cracked down on voters during the banned October 1 independen­ce referendum, prompting separatist leaders to warn they would unilateral­ly declare independen­ce in days.

Tentative signs emerged on Friday that the two sides may be seeking to defuse the crisis after Madrid offered a first apology to Catalans injured by police during the vote. But uncertaint­y still haunts the country as Catalan leaders have not backed off from plans to declare the region independen­t.

Puigdemont is scheduled to address the regional parliament on Tuesday evening. It remains unclear what he plans to say, although some separatist leaders hope he will use the opportunit­y to make a declaratio­n of independen­ce.

Rajoy in the interview assured Catalan leaders there “is still time” to backtrack and avoid triggering a tough response from the central government.

‘Break a people’

With its own language and cultural traditions, demands for independen­ce in Catalonia date back centuries but have surged during recent years of economic difficulty.

The latest crisis has raised fears of unrest in Catalonia, a northeaste­rn region about the size of Belgium that is home to 7.5 million people that accounts for a fifth of Spain’s economy.

Scenes of Spanish police beating unarmed voters in the October 1 referendum caused internatio­nal shock.

Angelo Rossini Calvo, 38, said he planned to attend the protest in Barcelona because he felt the separatist lawmakers did not have a big enough majority in the Catalan parliament to justify the referendum.

“You can’t call an important referendum like this, break a people and a country because you have one seat more,” the cabin crew instructor said at his flat in central Barcelona on the eve of the demonstrat­ion.

Business pressure

The Catalan government on Friday published final results from the referendum indicating that 90 percent of voters backed the proposal to break away from Spain. Turnout was 43 percent as Catalans who reject independen­ce largely boycotted the polls.

The vote was not held according to official electoral standards, without a regular voter list, electoral commission or observers.

Dozens more protesters got off the morning train from Madrid at Barcelona’s Sants station to join the protests yesterday.

“A lot of ordinary Catalans felt under pressure so we decided to come and support our compatriot­s and show them that they are not alone,” said Juan Gil-Casares, 33, who works in Madrid and travelled up with his uncle and cousins.

 ?? JORGE GUERRERO/AFP ?? People wave Spanish flags during a demonstrat­ion called by Societat Civil Catalana (Catalan Civil Society) to support the unity of Spain yesterday in Barcelona.
JORGE GUERRERO/AFP People wave Spanish flags during a demonstrat­ion called by Societat Civil Catalana (Catalan Civil Society) to support the unity of Spain yesterday in Barcelona.

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