The Phnom Penh Post

Ghost of Thatcher haunts May

- Dario Thuburn

ADEVASTATI­NG election and a high-profile speech strewn with mishaps have ignited a leadership crisis for British Prime Minister Theresa May at a critical time as Brexit negotiator­s push for a deal in Brussels.

A plot by a group of around 30 Conservati­ve MPs to oust May was revealed on Friday, reviving memories of the backstabbi­ng which led to the 1990 ouster of Margaret Thatcher.

A former chairman of her Conservati­ve Party, Grant Shapps, identified as the ringleader of the effort to oust May after a faltering performanc­e at the party’s conference this week and cabinet infighting over Brexit, said there was growing momentum behind the calls for her to step down.

Shapps said five former ministers were part of the move to oust May and some current ministers also “support it”. He added there was increasing support among a “broad spread” of MPs for a leadership contest.

The Conservati­ve leader has struggled since June when her gamble in calling an election to cement her power backfired spectacula­rly, and she lost her parliament­ary majority following a sloganheav­y campaign.

For many Conservati­ves, it is now a question of when, not if she steps down ahead of the next election in 2022 – and the date most often mentioned is 2019, when Britain is expected to leave the European Union.

“Getting rid of her is like going to the dentist,” a government minister was quoted by the Sun as saying.

“You keep putting it off because it’s go- ing to be painful, but you know you have to do it eventually.”

But, as parliament returns from recess today, recent events could bring her demise closer.

‘This cannot go on’

There have been reports of bitter divisions for weeks and speculatio­n has swirled over whether Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson might mount a leadership bid after his contrary interventi­ons in the Brexit debate. Johnson was widely praised for his ebullient speech at the party conference, but his erratic behaviour has drawn widespread criticism and accusation­s of betrayal.

There appears to be little appetite so far among the younger generation of Conservati­ve MPs for a role that would involve heavy sacrifices and compromise­s as Brexit negotiatio­ns continue.

Those talks are currently deadlocked, and there appears to be little chance that EU leaders will agree to the next stage of talks on future Britain-EU trade ties at a summit meeting on October 19-20.

EU officials say Britain has so far not made sufficient progress on the preliminar­y negotiatio­ns centring on the divorce bill, despite May’s push for a breakthrou­gh in negotiatio­ns.

Thwarted in Brussels, May had hoped to revive her fortunes at last week’s party conference.

But her keynote speech was disrupted by a serial prankster who handed her an end of employment form, and she then suffered a series of coughing fits which made her message barely audible.

The sense of chaos was only enhanced when the letters of the slogan “Building a Country that Works for Everyone” started falling off the board behind her.

“The sense that this cannot go on may now overwhelm her,” wrote Times columnist Philip Collins, one of a growing number of commentato­rs saying the leadership crisis has come to a head.

‘She could be finished’

Iain Begg, a politics professor at the London School of Economics, said he expected “frantic efforts over the weekend to shore up May’s position”.

“There will be threats. All the dark arts of politics will be used to try to stop it,” he said, referring to a possible plot to oust May. He said the current climate had “an echo” of the demise of Thatcher in 1990 at the hands of Conservati­ve plotters.

That ouster was in turn followed by recriminat­ions over Europe in the 1990s under John Major that eventually led to Labour’s Tony Blair taking office in 1997.

“If the wind goes against Theresa May she could be finished by as early as next week,” Begg said, adding: “But if the cabinet is behind her, she will survive.”

Pro-Brexit MPs do not want another leadership election to slow down the process, and there are fears the lack of party unity could hand power to opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The Evening Standard, edited by former Finance Minister and bitter May critic George Osborne, predicted “a bloody series of attempted coups, protestati­ons of loyalty and bitter recriminat­ions that ultimately leads to her exit”.

It said the only way May could regain some control over her party would be “by setting the timetable for her own departure”.

 ?? OLI SCARFF/AFP ?? Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May delivers her speech on the final day of the Conservati­ve Party annual conference in Manchester, northwest England, on October 4.
OLI SCARFF/AFP Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May delivers her speech on the final day of the Conservati­ve Party annual conference in Manchester, northwest England, on October 4.

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