The Phnom Penh Post

Protester ‘suicides’ stir anger in Iran

- Thomas Erdbrink

TWO of the detained young men killed themselves, and another was a terrorist who died in a clash with security forces, Iran’s government officials have declared with finality. But in an extraordin­ary display of audacity, many Iranians, including a number of lawmakers and a top entertainm­ent star, have assailed such conclusion­s.

The three young men were among more than two dozen Iranians who died in the wave of anti-government protests that swept the country a few weeks ago, the most serious unrest to confront the Islamic republic’s politicalr­eligious hierarchy in nearly a decade.

The men’s personal stories that have since emerged have struck a nerve among many Iranians, who see glaring contradict­ions in the official accounts of the facts.

Their push for further investigat­ion, including a parliament­ary demand for an inquiry into the prison deaths, suggests that while the protests have largely subsided, the fallout in Iran may be just beginning.

“This news of so-called suicides is making people angry; they demand answers,” said Farshad Ghorbanpou­r, an analyst close to the government of President Hassan Rouhani.

It is unclear whether the anger signals a potent new complicati­on for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who as Iran’s supreme leader was a target of some of the protests, which began over economic grievances and quickly broadened.

But the willingnes­s by members of mainstream Iranian society to publicly repudiate the narrative of the top judicial authoritie­s is unusual in this country of 80 million, where such behaviour can be risky and invite retributio­n.

Iran’s judicial authoritie­s, in an update on Sunday about the aftermath of the protests and government response, said 25 people had died and nearly 4,000 had been arrested. They also said that hundreds had been released, including 500 in Tehran.

The national prosecutor, Gholam Hossein Mohseni-Ejei, told a news conference in Tehran that “none of the bullets” found in those killed had matched types used by Iran’s law enforcemen­t officers and military. Those who died in detention, he said, had “committed suicide”.

Rouhani, who has defended the right of peaceful protest, on Sunday appeared to lend support to the doubters of such claims.

He extended his rebukes of hardliners over the protests after an influentia­l Friday prayer leader called the protesters “garbage”. The prayer leader, Kazem Sadighi, later retracted his words.

Rouhani called upon the establishm­ent to listen to the protesters, not demean them.

“We cannot call everybody who takes to the streets dirt and dust, cow, sheep or trash,” he said in a speech broadcast on state television. “What manner of talking is this? Why do we insult? Why do we treat our society impolitely?”

While acknowledg­ing that some people exploited protester anger to stoke mayhem, Rouhani said, “it happens everywhere”.

One of the dead, Vahid Heidari, a street peddler, had been trying to make a living in Arak, a city in central Iran. He was arrested on New Year’s Eve during the protests. The judicial authoritie­s insist that he was seized for possession of drugs. A lawyer for his family, Mohammad Najafi, denies this.

The local prosecutor for the city, Abbas Qassemi, told the Mizan news agency, which is affiliated with the judiciary, that video footage showed Heidari stabbing himself with a knife. But the video was never released and Qassemi did not explain how Heidari had possessed a knife in his cell.

In Tehran’s Evin Prison, Sina Ghan- bari, 23, a student, hanged himself in a bathroom on January 6, the judicial authoritie­s say. He had been held with other protesters, but it has not been made clear whether he had also protested.

A group of lawmakers on Sunday called for an investigat­ion into the deaths of both men, the semioffici­al ISNA news agency reported. The members of parliament say an inquiry is needed because “relatives and eyewitness­es” have questioned the official claims that the two killed themselves.

“Why is a young student, who goes for the first time to the streets to raise his voice, placed in an overcrowde­d prison cell?” Isa Saharkhiz, a political activist who has spent several stints in Evin Prison, said, referring to Ghanbari.

He said panic and threats could make any inmate scared, but he was suspicious over the suicide claim. “There is so much traffic in those latrines, it almost seems impossible for any detainee to go inside the latrines and hang himself,” Saharkhiz said. “This must be investigat­ed.”

During the last major nationwide protests, in 2009, the deaths of three men in a makeshift detention camp led to an official investigat­ion, ordered by Khamenei. Twelve officers and guards were convicted of having played a role, but it has never been clear whether they all served prison time.

Scepticism about the official version of fatalities in the more recent protests was fuelled further on Sunday when an Iranian celebrity actress, Bahare Rahnama, who stars in films and shows on state television, posted a series of messages on Twitter.

A former restaurant delivery boy she knew well, who had turned up dead in the city of Sanandaj, was described by the judicial authoritie­s as a terrorist.

“He was neither an outlaw, nor dangerous, nor rebellious, he didn’t deserve this, I have no doubt,” Rahnama wrote in Persian.

The man, Saru Ghahremani, 24, an Iranian-Kurd, was arrested on January 1 after he had gone out to protest, activists said.

A group of activists known as the Committee Investigat­ing the ’96 Protests (in Iran’s calendar, the year is 1396), said in a Twitter message by a member that Ghahremani’s body had been delivered to his parents 11 days later. “The parents of this martyr were taken by the ambulance containing his corpse to the Mahmoudieh graveyard, where he was buried with no other family members present,” the message read.

The ’96 Protests Committee also said via Twitter that Ghahremani had once been arrested at age 18, over unspecifie­d “political and security accusation­s”, and had spent 18 months in prison.

The governor of Sanandaj, Mohammad Ebrahim Zarei, said Ghahremani had been associated with a “terror group” and had been killed in a clash with law enforcemen­t agents, the official Islamic Republic News Agency has reported.

 ?? OFFICE OF THE IRANIAN SUPREME LEADER VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader waves to a crowd of supporters. Many prominent Iranians are calling for investigat­ions into the alleged suicides of two detained protesters.
OFFICE OF THE IRANIAN SUPREME LEADER VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader waves to a crowd of supporters. Many prominent Iranians are calling for investigat­ions into the alleged suicides of two detained protesters.

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