The Phnom Penh Post

Zimbabwe elections in ‘4 to 5 months’: president


ZIMBABWE will hold elections in four to five months, the country’s new president has said, pointing to an earlier date than expected following the ousting of long-time ruler Robert Mugabe.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa took office in November after a shock militar y takeover ended Mugabe’s 37-year reign.

“Zimbabwe is going for elections in four to five months’ time and we have to preach peace, peace and peace,” Mnangagwa said Wednesday during a visit to neighbouri­ng Mozambique.

Mnangagwa, 75, vowed to hold fair elections to ensure Zimbabwe “engages the world as a qualified democratic state”, according to yesterday’s stateowned Herald newspaper.

Under Mugabe, who had ruled since 1980, Zimbabwean elections were marred by vote rigging, intimidati­on and violent suppressio­n of the opposition.

Mnangagwa was one of Mugabe’s closest allies in the ruling ZANU-PF party, and he is accused of playing a key role in the authoritar­ian regime that l eft the economy in ruins.

Mugabe, 93, was forced to quit when the military took power and once-loyal ZANUP F l a wmakers l a u n c h e d impeachmen­t proceeding­s against him.

Mugabe’s final years in office were marked by a succession battle between Mnangagwa, who was covertly backed by the military, and supporters of Mugabe’s wife Grace.

Mnangagwa has appointed military officials to key gove r n me n t p o s i t i o n s a n d pledged to revive the economy by boosting agricultur­al production and attracting foreign investment.

The election had been expected i n l at e Ju l y or August.

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