The Phnom Penh Post

Divisive, misleading State of the Union


HAVE a president’s words ever rung more hollow? In his first State of the Union address on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump spoke of “what kind of nation we are going to be. All of us, together, as one team, one people and one American family.” Yet Trump could not avoid, even for an hour, lacing his address with divisive references to hot-button issues and graceless attacks on his predecesso­rs: to “disastrous Obamacare”, “the mistakes of past administra­tions”, “the era of economic surrender” and more.

More to the point, he offered little reason to hope that his second-year policies would be more constructi­ve. The president spent the past year attacking America’s democratic institutio­ns and splitting the “American family”. His concern for building “one team” has not stopped him from ramping up deportatio­ns or imperiling the future of the “dreamers”, all of whom have played their part on the American team. His desire for bipartisan­ship has not led him to negotiate with Democrats in good-faith on health care, taxes or immigratio­n. His search for unity did not stop him from taking a gratuitous dig at football players who kneel during the national anthem. As he took a victory lap on the economy, Trump displayed his typical indifferen­ce to the truth, claiming he “enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history”. They are not.

Looking forward, Trump showed no sign he would budge from his maximalist demands on immigratio­n. If this is what he considers compromise, he does not understand the concept. The rest of the president’s vision fell short of the agenda the nation’s needs. To his credit, Trump asked Republican­s and Democrats to strike a deal to invest $1.5 trillion in national infrastruc­ture, but offered few details. He promised to end “decades of unfair trade deals”. Coming right after the news that the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, from which the president removed the US, would continue, but without America, it has never been clearer that Trump’s economic isolationi­sm cedes opportunit­ies to other nations. On health care, Trump offered no plan to fill the gaps he has created in the Obamacare system.

On foreign affairs, Trump took credit for the recapture of most of the territory held by Islamic State, the extension of the US mission in Afghanista­n and the recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. He said he would ask Congress to act on foreign terrorist detainees and aid to other nations, without making clear what new authoritie­s or changes he would seek. Similarly, he talked of a campaign to apply “maximum pressure” to North Korea.

Trump did not mention many of the nation’s biggest threats. The fiscal crisis, worsened by his tax bill, threatens future generation­s. Economic inequality is high. The world continues to warm. Russia’s meddling poses a threat to US elections. Sadly, the morning after a very long speech, none of that is going to look any different.

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