The Phnom Penh Post

Five shows people should be watching

- Megan McArdle

THE temptation of writing about culture is always to find something to pan. Critical reviews flow easily from the fingertips, while applause involves the hard labour of finding 16 synonyms for “good”. But I ate my Wheaties this morning, and I’m looking for a challenge. So let’s talk about good shows – great shows, even. Shows that more people should be watching. People like you.


It’s a Cold War thriller, only not about the Cold War. Counterpar­t is set in a universe that twinned at some point, yielding two timelines that eye each other uneasily across their single point of contact: a Checkpoint Charlie that happens to be in a Berlin basement.

There is much to love about this show, beginning with the scripting. The popularity of science fiction shows has far outstrippe­d the supply of writers who can juggle three complex tasks at once: building the world, exploring that world’s implicatio­ns and delivering a satisfying plot. Somehow, Counterpar­t manages to flesh out a fascinatin­g world, exploring one of the most obvious ramificati­ons of a split universe: the existence of twins who could, in theory, take each other’s place, and what a spy network could do with that ability. And here’s the really special thing: It also has a plot.

That’s not even the best part. The best part is JK Simmons, who is astounding. Many other actors have played twins, but none I am aware of has managed to so fully characteri­se two different people without ever resorting to flamboyant mannerism.


I have a special reason for loving this one: My normal job is writing about economics, and the writers of this show managed not only to dramatise the fascinatin­g process of laundering money, but also to do it in a basically accurate fashion. On top of that, Jason Bateman’s monologue explaining what money laundering is and why it’s necessary is the finest explanatio­n of its kind.

The plotting is brisk and full of unexpected twists. Even if you don’t think you’re interested in money laundering, you owe it to yourself to give this one a try.


This is high-finance as revenge-drama. The first three Ozark.

seasons portray a long-running cat-and-mouse game between hedge-fund titan Bobby Axelrod, played by Damian Lewis, and US Attorney Chuck Rhoades, played by Paul Giamatti. But the showrunner­s haven’t given into the temptation to make Axelrod the bad guy and Rhoades the hero. Instead, we have twin protagonis­ts – both badly flawed, but also deeply appealing.

The cast is terrific, the writing reminiscen­t of Aaron Sorkin, and thanks to a different Sorkin (Andrew Ross, longtime finance reporter for The New York Times, and no relation to the creator of The West Wing), Billions is even a reasonably realistic portrayal of both finance and securities law.


I keep running into people who don’t watch Patriot, though they clearly should. I blame poor marketing. Neither the show’s icon nor its descriptio­n in Amazon’s browser conveys the quirky charms of this show, a wag-the-dog plot centred on a reluctant spy who would really rather be playing folk guitar. But no, that doesn’t convey it either. I’m afraid I’ll just have to urge you to watch a few episodes.


American Gods is the least plot-heavy of all the shows I’ve recommende­d, but it’s so visually interestin­g that you won’t care. The core premise of Neil Gaiman’s bestsellin­g book obviously offers a lot of opportunit­ies for neat tricks. But the calibre of the performanc­es elevates this far above CGI spectacle or amateur magic hour.

 ?? JACKSON DAVIS/NETFLIX ?? Jason Bateman in the Netflix series
JACKSON DAVIS/NETFLIX Jason Bateman in the Netflix series

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