The Phnom Penh Post

China probes top Buddhist over sex assault


THE former head of China’s government-run Buddhist associatio­n is under criminal investigat­ion for alleged sexual assault, the country’s top religious authority said on Thursday.

Xuecheng, a Communist Party member and abbot of Beijing’s Longquan Monastery, is one of the most prominent figures to face accusation­s in China’s growing #MeToo movement.

He stepped down from his post earlier this month after a report by fellow monks accused him of sex ua l a nd f inancia l impropriet­ies.

In the 95-page report that circulated online late last month, two monks accused Xuecheng of sending explicit text messages to at least six women, threatenin­g or cajoling them to have sex with him, claiming it was a part of their Buddhist studies.

The National Religious Aff ai r s Authority said it had confirmed Xuecheng had sent “harassing messages”, adding that authoritie­s had begun a criminal investigat­ion into the report’s charges of sexual assault.

Investigat­ors had also uncovered evidence that the Longquan Monastery had violated national financial regulation­s, it added in a statement on its website.

Xuecheng, 51, stepped down at a meeting of the Buddhist Associatio­n of China earlier this month following the allegation­s.

The abbot is also a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultati­ve Conference, a top advisory board.

A prominent personalit­y in Chinese Buddhist life with a social media following of millions, Xuecheng’s Weibo account has been silent since August 1, when he posted a statement rejecting allegation­s of sexual misconduct.

Robot monk

In their report, the two monks, who are no longer members of the monastery, said four women gave in to Xuecheng’s demands.

One of the authors said on social media that he was compelled to speak out after the victims were ignored by authoritie­s who said they could not investigat­e the matter.

There is no lega l def inition of sexua l ha r a s sment i n Ch i na a nd no national regulation­s on how to handle sex ua l assault cases in schools a nd workplaces.

The report and posts about it have been taken down or censored on social media. Both men were also asked to leave the monastery after news of the report broke.

Located on the outskirts of Beijing, Longquan Monastery has made headlines for combining Buddhism with modern technology, launching last year a two-foot high robot monk that di s penses mantras and k a r mic advice.

The #MeToo movement ignited in Chi na ea rl ier t his yea r wit h more women sta r t i ng to open up about sexual assaults, especia lly on universit y campuses.

Un l i ke i n t he West, where t he #MeToo movement has forced resignat ions a nd spa rked w idespread public debate, t he aut horities in China have sought to control the discussion, somet i mes a l low i ng a nd at ot her times censoring socia l media commentar y.

 ?? AFP ?? Xuecheng (right), the abbot of Beijing’s Longquan Monastery is under criminal investigat­ion for alleged sexual assault.
AFP Xuecheng (right), the abbot of Beijing’s Longquan Monastery is under criminal investigat­ion for alleged sexual assault.

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