The Phnom Penh Post

Trump touts US Pacific army power after Japan royal visit


PRESIDENT Donald Trump on Tuesday used the backdrop of a US naval ship in Japan to tout America’s “fearsome” power in the Pacific, wrapping up a visit where he became the first foreign guest of Japan’s new emperor.

Addressing more than 800 uniformed service members in the belly of the USS Wasp, an amphibious assault ship at the Yokosuka US naval base, Trump said they were part of “the most fearsome group of American warriors this side of the Pacific”.

The US militar y has no intention of losing its paramount status i n t he world, Trump said, insisting it will “forever remain second to none”.

“We have equipment, missiles, rockets, tanks, planes, ships – no one in the entire world can build them like we do. It’s not even close,” he said.

The address to the cheering military marked Memorial Day, the US holiday honouring the war dead, but it was also clearly aimed at growing rival China and North Korea, where Trump has invested heavy diplomatic efforts to try and get the regime to give up nuclear weapons – so far with only modest results.

Trump told the sailors, marines and other personnel that they were “confrontin­g this region’s pressing security challenges with unmatched courage”.

“You know what we’re talking about,” he said.

Trump said US naval forces “proudly patrol” the region’s waters, namechecki­ng flashpoint areas, like the South China Sea, where tensions are high over Chinese naval expansion.

Earlier, Trump v isited Japanese helicopter carrier JS Kaga wit h Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Abe ta lked about t he “increasing­ly severe securit y env ironment” i n t he region and confirmed t hat the Kaga was being converted to ta ke not only

helicopter­s but a lso fighter planes.

Trump said the Kaga will carry a version of the advanced F-35 stealth fighter, which Japan is buying in larger numbers than any other US ally.

“With this extraordin­ary new equipment, the JS Kaga will help our nations defend against a range of complex threats in the region and far beyond,” Trump added.

Farewell to emperor

There was litt le rea l substance in Trump’s v isit to Japan, which started on Saturday and included a golf game with Abe and presentati­on by the American president of a huge trophy at a Tok yo sumo tournament.

But the main goal was to celebrate the countries’ alliance and, from Japan’s point of view, to charm Trump ahead of tricky negotiatio­ns on the muscular US demand for more market access.

That seemed to work, with Trump signalling there will be no move on trade until after an upper house election here in July.

The highlight was the meeting with Naruhito, who took over the Chrysanthe­mum Throne only three weeks ago, after his father stepped down in the first abdication for two centuries.

Other world leaders will have to wait until larger-scale celebratio­ns in October. The Trumps went to see Naruhito at his palace on Monday morning and then again in the evening for a banquet featuring six courses, including Trump’s favourite – beef – and a dessert described as Glace Mont Fuji.

The emperor and Trump both made toasts praising their countries’ friendship. The US president even sprinkled a few Japanese words into his address, referencin­g ancient Japanese poetry.

Trump and the first lady said goodbye to the Japanese royal couple on Tuesday before leaving Tokyo. The White House only described this as a “farewell call”, and there were no immediate details on how it went.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump pose for a photograph with Japanese Emperor Naruhito (right) and Empress Masako (second left) during a farewell call by the royal couple on Tuesday.
US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump pose for a photograph with Japanese Emperor Naruhito (right) and Empress Masako (second left) during a farewell call by the royal couple on Tuesday.

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