The Phnom Penh Post

A definition of insanity


The army claims that its core mission in the South is to restore confidence and bolster measures to protect civilians, including Buddhist villagers.

However, this military “solution” to the violence has been employed for 15 years now, without success.

Colonial masters

It’s time for the troops to step back from the “us v them” mentality that has alienated the local Malay-Muslim population and instead offer a “safe space” in which the two sides can forge trust and strengthen their relationsh­ip.

Thai security forces must now acknowledg­e that they are not perceived as honest brokers in the far South. No matter how benevolent they try to be, they remain colonial masters in the eyes of the local Malay Muslim population.

Meanwhile, a serious campaign to promote civility and norms, namely Internatio­nal Humanitari­an Law (IHL), is necessary to cool tempers on both sides of the armed conflict.

However, the Thai top brass are uncomforta­ble with the IHL concept as they fear it would help further legitimise the cause of the insurgent militants.

The militants have already succeeded where the Thai government has failed – in capturing the hearts and minds of local Malay Muslims who constitute more than 85 per cent of residents in the far South.

Thai military leaders prefer to treat the violence as criminal rather than political. In their eyes, to acknowledg­e the crisis as a historical conflict governed by IHL would be effectivel­y legitimise the insurgents.

Whatever label one uses to describe violence that has claimed 7,000 lives since January 2004, one can’t deny that people on both sides are being killed.

The victims include security officials who fall under the command of a top brass who forge this self-serving policy.

Another example of military shortsight­edness is the push to have religious leaders in the South issue fatwas that separatist insurgents do not have religious legitimacy to take up arms.

This strategy is doomed to fail since the conflict is not rooted in Islam or religion per se.

The separatist­s’ cause has always been an ethno-nationalis­t one.

Religion can be used for positive gains, but should not be exploited for short-term political and security gains.

Besides, such an approach risks the lives and security of Muslim leaders.

The Thai state could use this period of political transition to pause and review its peace-building efforts and strategy in the deep South.

More than a decade and a half into this latest wave of insurgency, Thai security planners are no closer to bringing peace and reconcilia­tion to this historical­ly contested region.

A change in strategy is needed that opens a path to genuine peace.

 ??  ?? A policeman inspects a site of a motorcycle bomb blast in a flea market in the southern Thai province of Pattani on Monday.
A policeman inspects a site of a motorcycle bomb blast in a flea market in the southern Thai province of Pattani on Monday.

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