The Phnom Penh Post

Tanzania lays to rest most of victims killed in petrol tanker blast


TANZANIA on Sunday laid to rest most of the 71 people who died while trying to collect leaking petrol from an overturned fuel tanker that exploded.

The deadly blast, which took place on Saturday near the town of Morogoro, west of the economic capital Dar es Salaam, is the latest in a series of similar disasters in Africa.

President John Magufuli declared a period of mourning through Monday. He was represente­d at funerals by Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa.

Majaliwa spoke at a ceremony in Kola, less than 20 minutes from where the disaster occurred some 200km west of Dar es Salaam.

He gave a new death toll of 71, along with 59 injured.

White coffins were lowered into graves by members of the security forces, after which Islamic or Christian clerics said brief prayers and tossed handfuls of earth on them.

A Pentecosta­l pastor named Mechak said in a service broadcast on television that “this should serve as a lesson to us.

“When there is an accident like this we should steer clear and let rescue workers do their job.”

DNA tests will be carried out on bodies that were burnt beyond recognitio­n, Parliament­ar y Affairs Minister Jenista Mhagama said, adding t hat families could ta ke the remains of t heir loved ones and organise their own buria ls if t hey preferred.

A woman who had accompanie­d her neighbour to retrieve t he body of a v ictim at the hospita l said: “When I saw the injured my whole body trembled. They had been burnt like pieces of meat.”

‘No one wanted to listen’

Witnesses said the truck tipped over as it tried to avoid a motorcycle, and locals quickly converged on the scene to collect fuel.

The explosion was t r iggered when a man tried to ret rieve t he t r uck’s batter y, creating sparks t hat ignited t he f uel, according to t he region’s governor.

Footage from the scene showed the truck engulfed in smoke and flames, with charred bodies and the burntout remains of motorcycle taxis scattered on the ground among scorched trees.

A v ideo posted on socia l media ta ken before the explosion showed dozens of people carr y ing yellow jerr y cans around t he truck.

“We arrived at the scene with two neighbours just after the truck was overturned. While some good Samaritans were trying to get the driver and the other two people out of the truck, others were jostling each other, equipped with jerry cans, to collect petrol,” teacher January Michael said.

“At the same time, someone was trying to pull the battery out of the vehicle. We warned that the truck could explode at any moment but no one wanted to listen, so we went on our way, but we had barely turned on our heels when we heard the explosion.”

‘May God heal you’

President Magufuli on Sunday visited some of those injured in the blast at a hospital in Dar es Salaam.

“May God heal you,” he said to the 43 patients, some in very serious condition.

Majaliwa on Sunday said a special commission would investigat­e whether mismanagem­ent had contribute­d to t he disaster.

“While our now-dead compatriot­s were gathering to siphon fuel, did anyone try to stop them?” Majaliwa asked.

Magufuli has ca lled for people to stop stea ling f uel in such a way, a common event across Africa, say ing he was “ver y shocked” by the dangerous practice.

Last month, 45 people were killed and more than 100 injured in central Nigeria when a petrol tanker crashed and then exploded as people tried to take the fuel.

In May, a similar incident occurred in Niger near the airport of the capital Niamey, leaving almost 80 people dead.

Among the deadliest such disasters, 292 people lost their lives in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in July 2010, and in September 2015 at least 203 people died the South Sudan town of Maridi.

 ?? AFP ?? Tanzanian health workers carry a wounded man from a military helicopter at Jangwani, in Dar es Salaam on Sunday, the day after a crashed fuel tanker exploded in the town of Morogoro.
AFP Tanzanian health workers carry a wounded man from a military helicopter at Jangwani, in Dar es Salaam on Sunday, the day after a crashed fuel tanker exploded in the town of Morogoro.

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