The Phnom Penh Post

Trump rages as NYTimes clarifies Kavanaugh story

President Bolsonaro leaves hospital after five-hour procedure


US PESIDENT Donald Trump blasted the New York Times on Monday after it updated a story detailing a previously unreported accusation of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to say the alleged victim did not recall the incident.

The article made waves when it was published over the weekend, re-examining sexual assault allegation­s aired last year at Kavanaugh’s polarising Senate confirmati­on hearing.

The article dealt mainly with one of his accusers, Deborah Ramirez, who alleged that Kavanaugh waved his penis in her face at a drunken dormitory party when both were students at Yale.

But it also included a previously unreported account by a Yale classmate who said he saw Kavanaugh expose himself to a different female student at another party.

The report triggered fierce reaction, including from several US Democratic 2020 presidenti­al hopefuls who called for a new investigat­ion, or even impeachmen­t.

On Monday, the Times said its story failed to include key details – that the alleged victim in the new account declined to be interviewe­d and “friends say she does not recall the episode”.

“That informatio­n has been added to the article,” it said in an editor’s note.

Trump seized on the change to launch a full-throated attack on the Times, urging Kavanaugh to sue for libel and suggesting the Justice Department “come to his rescue”.

“DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT THESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE WILL DO OR SAY,” Trump tweeted. “They are looking to destroy, and influence his opinions - but played the game badly. They should be sued!”

Trump accused the media of working in lockstep “with their partner”, the Democrats.

“The one who is being assaulted is Justice Kavanaugh – Assaulted by lies and Fake News!” he said.

The US president later called in a tweet “for the Resignatio­n of everybody at The New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh SMEAR story”.

Kavanaugh has categorica­lly denied engaging in sexual misconduct.

The Times account was adapted from a forthcomin­g book by the article’s authors, which details an assertion by the Yale classmate that friends of Kavanaugh “pushed his penis into the hand of a female student”.

The witness notified US senators and the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion about the account, but the FBI did not investigat­e, according to the Times.

Last September, an outcry by Democrats and some concerned Republican­s prompted a one-week suspension of Kavanaugh’s contentiou­s confirmati­on process so that the FBI could conduct a fasttrack investigat­ion of allegation­s against him.

The agency reportedly declined to question dozens of potential witnesses or corroborat­ors.

Several Republican­s joined Trump in condemning the Times and the Democrats’ calls for Kavanaugh’s impeachmen­t.

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell deplored “another poorly-sourced, thinly-reported, unsubstant­iated allegation” against Kavanaugh.

“We all remember this pattern from last time around – Shoot first and correct the facts later,” he told senators.

Senator Lindsey Graham, whose ardent defence of Kavanaugh last year helped salvage his nomination, charged Democrats with seeking to “ruin Justice Kavanaugh’s life for political gain”.

“As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I promise you Justice Kavanaugh will not be impeached over these scurrilous accusation­s,” Graham tweeted. BRAZILIAN President Jair Bolsonaro left hospital Monday eight days after another operation on his stomach following his stabbing at a campaign rally last year.

Bolsonaro, 64, is still scheduled to attend the UN General Assembly in New York on September 24, where Brazil traditiona­lly delivers the f i r s t address.

“The President will continue his recovery at home and should follow medical guidelines related to diet and physical activity,” said a statement from the Vila Nova Star Hospital in Sao Paulo.

The presidenti­al convoy left the hospital early in the afternoon to fly back to Brasilia, the capital.

Bolsonaro had undergone a five-hour operation on his stomach – the fourth such procedure. He was forced to delay his original date for returning to work from September 13 until September 18.

His prolonged stay in hospital did not stop him delivering his regular Thursday night live broadcast on Facebook, with a feeding tube still in his nose.

Bolsonaro, a right-wing politician who is a close ally of US President Donald Trump, was stabbed in September last year during his victorious presidenti­al campaign.

He is expected to give his UN speech focused on the huge fires in the Amazon rain forest. He has rejected internatio­nal criticism of his handling of the crisis.

“The president understand­s that he must not expose himself to exhausting journeys . . . while recognisin­g the importance of this trip,” his spokesman said.

 ?? NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP ?? US President Donald Trump speaks to reporters on the confirmati­on of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court last October.
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP US President Donald Trump speaks to reporters on the confirmati­on of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court last October.
 ?? EVARISTO SA/AFP ?? Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro left hospital on Monday after another operation on his stomach.
EVARISTO SA/AFP Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro left hospital on Monday after another operation on his stomach.
 ?? LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP DANIEL ?? Julian Assange was among the victims who had personal data stolen in a massive breach.
LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP DANIEL Julian Assange was among the victims who had personal data stolen in a massive breach.

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