The Phnom Penh Post

Symbolic swearing-in for new Sri Lankan president


SR I L a n k a’s new president and the scourge of the Tamil Tigers Gotabaya Rajapa k sa on Monday urged minorities unner ved by his election v ictor y to work with him, as he was sworn in at a ceremony steeped in sy mbolism for his core supporters.

Having spearheade­d the brutal end of the Tamil separatist war a decade ago, Rajapaksa is a divisive figure but popular among his own majority Sinhalese-Buddhist community.

His landslide win split the island nation of 21.6 million along religious and ethnic lines as never before, seven months after deadly Islamist attacks.

Unusually, his inaugurati­on was held at a revered Buddhist shrine with an imposing stupa – reputedly built by a Sinhalese king who vanquished invading Tamils over 2,000 years ago.

At the ceremony, Rajapaksa put his success down to the “extraordin­ary blessings of the Buddhist monks”.

“The main message of the election is that it was the Sinhala majority vote that allowed me to win the presidency,” the 70-year-old retired lieutenant colonel said.

“I knew that I could win with only the votes of the Sinhala majority. But I asked Tamils and Muslims to be a part of my success. Their response was not what I expected. However, I urge them to join me to build one Sri Lanka,” he said.

Rajapaksa was defence chief under his brother Mahinda’s 2005-15 presidency when the military conducted a no-holdsbarre­d campaign to end the 37-year war in which 100,000 people perished.

This makes the brothers heroes among Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese majority and the powerful Buddhist clergy.

But around 40,000 Tamil civilians were allegedly killed in the closing stages of the conflict, which ended in 2009, and Saturday’s election saw Tamils – who account for around 15 per cent of the population – vote ov e r wh e l mi n g l y a g a i n s t Rajapaksa.

As defence secretary, Gotabaya had unfettered control over the security forces, while “death squads” that abducted dozens of dissidents, opponents, journalist­s and others also allegedly reported to him.

Many people were never found again after being bundled into feared white vans, while some were killed and dumped by roadsides.

The new president has denied any involvemen­t and has resisted internatio­nal calls to investigat­e the alleged war crimes.

At his only press conference during a three-month election campaign, Rajapaksa reiterated that he will not allow Sri Lankan troops to be tried by any war crimes tribunal, foreign or local.

He had a l so pledged to exonerate the dozens of military personnel accused of abductions, extortion and killings during his brother’s decade in power.

The island’s Tamils have been campaignin­g for accountabi­lity for war crimes and greater autonomy in areas where Tamils are concentrat­ed.

Tamil youth took up arms in 1972 demanding a separate state and their violent guerilla campaign at its height saw them control a third of the country.

After being in opposition for nearly five years, Rajapaksa announced his intention to run for office just days after Islamist attacks on April 21 that killed 269 people during an Easter service, promising to protect the nation.

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