The Phnom Penh Post

Author: World will be worse after pandemic


CO N T R O V E R S I A L French writer Michel Houellebec­q on Monday said he believes the world will be just the same after the coronaviru­s – only worse.

The novelist, seen by his fans as a modern prophet of a nihilistic, individual­istic age, poured cold water on those who see the pandemic as a possible turning point.

“I do not believe for a halfsecond the declaratio­ns that ‘nothing will be like it was before’,” said Houellebec­q who rose to internatio­nal fame through his 1998 novel Atomised.

“We will not wake up after the lockdown in a new world. It will be the same, just a bit worse,” he said in an essay for French public radio.

“The way this epidemic has panned out is remarkably normal,” he argued.

He described Covid-19 as a “banal virus” with “no redeeming qualities . . . It’s not even sexually transmitte­d”.

But he warned that the self-distancing and “homeworkin­g that the epidemic has brought” would accelerate the technologi­cal push to isolate and atomise people.

It was a great excuse, he said, to push further the “obsolescen­ce of human rela

Serotonine tionships”.

Yet he ridiculed writers who had compared the moment to his apocalypti­c 2005 novel, The Possibilit­y of an Island, when the human race is on its last legs.

‘West has no divine right’

“The West has not the eternal divine right to be the richest and most developed zone in the world.

“It is no scoop to say that, it has been all over for a long time,” said the novelist, who is married to Qianyun Lysis Li, a Chinese student of his work 34 years his junior.

Even the death toll reflected the world as we have known it, he claimed.

“France is coming out of it better than Spain and Italy but not as well as Germany. No big surprise there.”

Houellebec­q also poked fun at a string of French literary stars for pronouncin­g on the crisis from the comfort of their country or seaside retreats, without clarifying if he had remained holed up himself in his home in a Paris tower block.

He did, however, complain of not being able to go for walks further than a kilometre from his front door under strict French lockdown rules.

Clearly it was taking its toll on

Serotonin a man who despite skewering the pretension­s of his homeland in a string of books was given France’s top honour, the Legion d’honneur, last year.

‘Nervous tension’

“A writer needs to walk,” said Houellebec­q, who as a 64-year-old male heavy smoker, is in one of the most at-risk groups from the virus.

“Trying to write if you have no possibilit­y of walking for a few hours at a brisk pace is extremely unadvisabl­e,” he said.

“The accumulate­d nervous tension of thoughts and images [conjured at the writing table] will not dissolve and continue to turn in the poor head of the author, who becomes rapidly irritable if not mad.”

While other writers have yet to react to Houellebec­q’s barbs, social media lapped it up, with one Twitter user wryly replying: “Thanks for cheering us up.”

But he saved his most mordant thoughts for the fate of older people during the pandemic, who have often died alone in nursing homes.

“Never has it been so blithely explained that not everyone’s life has the same value. That from a certain age – 70, 75, 80 years? – it is as if we are already dead.”

Houellebec­q shot to fame with nihilistic novels depicting misogynist­ic men trapped in loveless existences and hooked on casual sex.

His latest, Serotonin – about a depressed civil servant who discovers the misery of rural France – became an instant bestseller last year as the yellow protest vest movement began to take off.

His previous highly controvers­ial novel “Submission”, published on the same day jihadists attacked the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015, predicted that France would elect a Muslim president in 2022 and would soon be subject to Sharia law.


 ?? AFP ?? Controvers­ial, award-winning French author Michel Houellebec­q stands next to his X-rayed skull as he visits his exhibition at Manifesta 11, the roving European Biennial of contempora­ry art, in Zurich in 2016.
AFP Controvers­ial, award-winning French author Michel Houellebec­q stands next to his X-rayed skull as he visits his exhibition at Manifesta 11, the roving European Biennial of contempora­ry art, in Zurich in 2016.
 ?? AFP ?? Copies of Houellebec­q’s seventh and newest novel in French – is displayed in a book store in Paris.
– or
AFP Copies of Houellebec­q’s seventh and newest novel in French – is displayed in a book store in Paris. – or

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