The Phnom Penh Post

Prey Veng man held for rape of daughter, 15

- Kim Sarom

A 42-year-old man was arrested on Monday for allegedly raping his 15-year-old daughter in Russey Sanh commune in Prey Veng province’s Sithor Kandal district.

District police chief Seng

Savorn said the suspect will be sent to the provincial court. “This is a rape case and we have filed a report. How it proceeds is up to the court,” he said.

Citing the girl’s accounts, he said the man allegedly raped her four times and threatened her not to tell anyone.

The suspect, he added, is known for drinking and domestic violence, with his wife mostly staying away from home because of the beatings.

The couple, who have three daug hters, were workers at brick k ilns and did not have a permanent residence.

The man a l leged ly raped the oldest daughter last month while his wife was away. After learning of the alleged rape, she filed a complaint to commune officials who reported it to t he police.

“When the commune officia ls reported to t he aut horit ies, I i mmediately refer red t he v ic t i m for a med ic a l check-up which proved posit ive,” he said.

He sa id t he forensic tea m consisted of doctors, technica l police of f icia ls and representa­t ives of t he Prey Veng prov incia l Women’s Associatio­n. Follow ing t he forensics r e s u l t s , t h e p r o s e c u t o r ordered t he suspect’s arrest.

Savorn said the man did not confess, but the police have a strong forensics case. “We have solid evidence and are not just levelling a charge without proof,” he said.

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