The Phnom Penh Post

Truncated will: India landowner gives land to elephants


AN INDIAN landowner has willed most of his land to two elephants he said saved his life from gun-toting criminals, a decision that has upset his wife and children.

Akhtar Imam, from a village in the eastern state of Bihar, said he changed his will to bequeath 2.5ha to gentle giants Moti (pearl) and Rani (queen).

“I simply don’t want hardship for my Moti and Rani, who are no less my family,” Imam, 50, said as his bathed the pachyderms on a sweltering­ly hot day.

“I don’t want my elephants to face the fate of orphaned or abandoned captive elephants who die on the streets or in deserted fields due to lack of proper care.”

Imam, who runs a wildlife trust, raised Moti, aged 20, and Rani, aged 15, from when they were born to another domesticat­ed jumbo that has since died.

Each elephant has two staff looking after them day and night, and roam his property freely.

He said his love for the pair grew even more when they saved him from “guncarryin­g criminals” who he said tried to kill him last year while he slept.

“When I opened my door to see why the elephants were trumpeting, I saw they were chasing criminals nearby,” he said.

“I am alive due to my elephants who had worked like bodyguards to me.”

Imam said he would also bequeath a smaller amount of land and his house to his wife and children, but they weren’t entirely happy.

“They don’t understand that the elephants are not a showpiece for me . . . My relationsh­ip with elephants is lifelong. We love each other.”

He added: “Human greed is endless, even if you give them the whole world it’s not enough.”

His wife and children declined to speak to AFP.

Imam’s gesture came as controvers­y raged in India over the recent death of a pregnant elephant after eating fruit laced with explosives in the southern state of Kerala.

Asian elephants – Elephas maximus – used to roam across most of Asia, but are today restricted to 15 per cent of their original range.

The species is listed as endangered on the Internatio­nal Union for the Conservati­on of Nature Red List.

Of the 45,000 remaining, about a third live in captivity. Some Asian elephants live well into their 70s.

Between 400 and 600 of them are believed to remain in Cambodia and are concentrat­ed mainly in the Cardamom Mountains in the southwest of the country and the eastern plains of Mondulkiri province.

 ?? AFP ?? Akhtar Imam with one of his elephants at Murgia Chai village, in Janipur near Patna.
AFP Akhtar Imam with one of his elephants at Murgia Chai village, in Janipur near Patna.

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