The Phnom Penh Post

US’ Biden sets out $2 trillion infrastruc­ture mega package


US PRESIDENT Joe Biden on March 31 unveiled a $2 trillion infrastruc­ture plan aimed at modernisin­g the country’s crumbling transport network, creating millions of jobs and delivering a “once-in-a-generation” investment.

Biden compared his “transforma­tional” plan to the ambitious US space programme of the 1960s, saying it would boost the livelihood­s of the poor and middleclas­s, take aim at global warming, and be funded by increased taxes on large companies and the rich.

He said: “Today I’m proposing a plan for the nation that rewards work, not just rewards wealth. It builds a fair economy that gives everybody a chance to succeed. It’s going to create the strongest, most resilient, innovative economy in the world.


“It’s a once-in-a-generation investment in America, unlike anything we’ve seen or done since we built the interstate highway system and the space race decades ago.”

The plan called for sweeping upgrades to transporta­tion, telecommun­ications and energy infrastruc­ture, which the US leader said was both about revitalisi­ng an economy weakened by the Covid19 pandemic and restoring its global competitiv­eness.

“We can’t delay another minute. It’s long past due,” he said in the city of Pittsburgh.

“The rest of the world is closing in and closing in fast – we can’t allow this to continue.”

Biden’s infrastruc­ture plan – the second massive spending initiative of his 10-week old administra­tion after the $1.9 trillion shortterm Covid-19 rescue bill passed earlier this month – faces tough tests in a Congress worried about soaring deficits.

But it also seeks to address crumbling bridges, roads and other public works around the country that successive administra­tions have failed to take on.

In doing so, it would expand the role of the government in the US economy to levels not seen in decades.

“In fact, it’s the largest American jobs investment since World War II. It will create millions of jobs, good-paying jobs,” Biden said.

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