The Phnom Penh Post

Japan’s Kishida set for second Cambodia visit to bolster ties

- Ry Sochan

JAPANESE Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said his upcoming November visit to Cambodia would foster greater cooperatio­n between the two countries. He personally asked Prime Minister Hun Sen to support collaborat­ion with Japan within both bilateral and ASEAN frameworks.

Kishida met Hun Sen at the state funeral for the slain former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, held in Tokyo on September 28.

At the meeting, Hun Sen thanked Kishida for his support of the Kingdom’s chairmansh­ip of ASEAN and invited him to personally attend the ASEAN-Japan Summit and the East Asia Summit, to be hosted by Cambodia in November.

Kishida accepted the invitation­s. “The November visit of Prime Minister Kishida will strengthen and develop cooperatio­n with Cambodia. He asked me to support collaborat­ion with Japan within both bilateral and ASEAN frameworks,” Hun Sen said in a social media post.

The premier also thanked Kishida for referring to Japan’s contributi­ons to Cambodia as he addressed the recent 77th UN General Assembly (UNGA) in the US’ New York City, particular­ly through Japanese peacekeepi­ng operations within the Kingdom.

In his own address to the UNGA, Hun Sen said Cambodia would continue to take part in peacekeepi­ng missions under the UN umbrella.

According to Hun Sen’s post, Kishida also thanked the Cambodian government for receiving Japanese naval vessels into the Sihanoukvi­lle Autonomous Port back in March.

The two ships – JS Uraga and JS Hirado – were part of the Indo-Pacific and Middle East Deployment 2021 exercise and visited Cambodia to strengthen cooperatio­n and help realise a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. The ships docked at the port on

March 14 with 185 crew aboard.

Crew members carried goodwill exercises with the Royal Cambodian Navy, with a military drill and visit to Ream Naval Base also on the agenda.

The two prime ministers also exchanged views on regional and internatio­nal issues, including on Myanmar, the South China Sea and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Kishida also mentioned the Korean Peninsula, particular­ly the North’s nuclear programmes and the abduction of Japanese people, saying that they constitute concerns by Japan and the internatio­nal community alike.

On Myanmar, he thanked Hun Sen for making every effort to de-escalate the situation there, pledging that Japan

would continue to support ASEAN efforts to resolve the crisis.

Hun Sen said Cambodia will continue to work within the ASEAN framework and push for a peaceful solution.

“Despite challenges, we will not give up on this important task. As for the other problems mentioned by the Japanese prime minister, we will continue to work with each other,” he said.

Kishida paid a two-day visit to Cambodia in March to bring the two nations even closer.

Thong Mengdavid, a research fellow at the Asian Vision Institute’s Mekong Centre for Strategic Studies, said Hun Sen’s trip to Japan was a solid testament to the closeness of CambodianJ­apanese relations. Japan is an old

friend and key developmen­t partner of Cambodia, and has assisted the Kingdom in building infrastruc­ture, human resources and its economy alike.

“[Kishida’s] November visit is a strategic one. The visit will expand relations with Cambodia in terms of trade, investment, energy, food, human resource developmen­t and peacekeepi­ng in the region and the globe,” he told The Post.

He added that superpower rivalries and geopolitic­al games meant the Kingdom needed Japan in terms of economic developmen­t and to build the capacity of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, particular­ly for its engagement with peacekeepi­ng under the UN umbrella.

 ?? SPM ?? Prime Minister Hun Sen (left) shakes hands with his Japanese counterpar­t Fumio Kishida in Tokyo on September 28 a day after Hun Sen paid a last tribute to Shinzo Abe, the late former premier of Japan.
SPM Prime Minister Hun Sen (left) shakes hands with his Japanese counterpar­t Fumio Kishida in Tokyo on September 28 a day after Hun Sen paid a last tribute to Shinzo Abe, the late former premier of Japan.

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