The Phnom Penh Post

Education minister highlights ongoing school improvemen­t

- Bor Pich Zelin

DURING a visit to Angkor High School in Siem Reap province on December 12, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Hang Chuon Naron highlighte­d the importance of ongoing study, research and capacity building for schools to enhance their ability to cultivate high-calibre human resources.

He said that to elevate educationa­l standards, schools must focus on four crucial elements: schools themselves, teachers, students and families. He urged school management committees to persist in their commitment to regular study research, ensuring the continuous production of an up-todate and quality workforce.

In fostering educationa­l excellence, his guidance highlights the collaborat­ive efforts required from various stakeholde­rs, placing a significan­t focus on the vital role of schools and their ongoing pursuit of knowledge and improvemen­t.

“The key to a country’s developmen­t and progress lies in investing in robust talent. The legacy of schools constructe­d across the nation in the last two decades, under the guidance of former Prime Minister Hun Sen, not only benefits local communitie­s but also plays a crucial role in elevating the quality of education in Cambodia for years to come,” he said.

On December 13, Kong Samneang,

head of the Federation of Education Services in Cambodia, backed the ministry’s fresh approach. He supports the strategy urging school management to consistent­ly build capacity, saying that this ongoing effort is necessary for amplifying students’ abilities.

He added that capable young individual­s would serve as a valuable asset in addressing the demands of economic growth.

“To turn promising young individual­s into valuable assets, our attention should be on fortifying the skills of trainers even more. It serves as a critical catalyst to not only empower the trainers themselves but also to support the growth of students. These students are set to become a high-quality talent pool aligned with the demands of the digital age,” he said.

As per the ministry, the seventh government mandate prioritise­s human resource developmen­t with four key directives: enhancing school governance, reviewing and adjusting curricula, coordinati­ng extracurri­cular activities and emphasisin­g student health, as well as fostering state and community partnershi­ps for educationa­l promotion.

To further enhance the Kingdom’s human resources, the ministry is rolling out five standards for model schools, covering student learning outcomes, teaching methods, community engagement and the operationa­l and administra­tive facets of schools. This initiative aligns with the recommenda­tions of Prime Minister Hun Manet.

The ministry envisions that the implementa­tion of the standard school model will contribute significan­tly to enhancing the overall quality of education.

 ?? MOEYS ?? Education minister Hang Chuon Naron addresses teachers at Angkor High School in Siem Reap province on December 12.
MOEYS Education minister Hang Chuon Naron addresses teachers at Angkor High School in Siem Reap province on December 12.

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