The Phnom Penh Post

Can Laos uphold ASEAN’s strong stance on the Korean Peninsula issue?


AFTER Indonesia’s year-long ASEAN chairmansh­ip, Laos will take over as ASEAN chair in 2024. At the start of its year as ASEAN chair, Indonesia had high hopes, but at the conclusion of the year, it had achieved less.

Compared to Laos, Indonesia is a large and strong nation in the ASEAN associatio­n, so can we expect too much from Laos’ ASEAN chairmansh­ip? There are numerous issues facing the ASEAN member nations, as well as numerous regional issues that call for ASEAN participat­ion and action.

Can Laos achieve anything in relation to the Korean Peninsula issue?

Internatio­nal relations have long faced a difficult and complicate­d challenge in the form of the Korean Peninsula issue. The internatio­nal community has prioritise­d finding a peaceful and diplomatic settlement due to the tensions between North and South Korea and the involvemen­t of key global powers.

ASEAN has been instrument­al in preserving stability and fostering communicat­ion throughout the region in this regard. It has continuous­ly adhered to its core values of peaceful conflict resolution, consensus-building and non-interferen­ce.

Laos will soon take on a crucial role as the new ASEAN chair, handling the Korean Peninsula issue and preserving ASEAN’s firm position. This means promoting communicat­ion, supporting diplomatic initiative­s and cultivatin­g collaborat­ion among all stakeholde­rs.

ASEAN’s dedication to regional peace and stability is the foundation of its approach to the Korean Peninsula issue. In order to address the pressing issues at hand, the bloc has continuous­ly advocated for moderation, a de-escalation of tensions and the restart of communicat­ion. By means of its several institutio­ns, including the East Asia Summit (EAS) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN has furnished forums for candid conversati­ons and interactio­n with principal players.

As the chair of ASEAN in 2024, Laos will have the chance to expand on the bloc’s previous initiative­s and fortify its position on the Korean Peninsula dispute. Laos can play the role of a facilitato­r, creating an atmosphere that is favourable to discussion and negotiatio­n thanks to its background in diplomacy and dedication to neutrality, and also its diplomatic relations with North Korea.

There are many difficulti­es because of how complicate­d the Korean Peninsula problem is. Finding a solution is a difficult undertakin­g because of the involvemen­t of significan­t powers, divergent geopolitic­al interests and historical divisions. However, the consensus-building and inclusion tenets of ASEAN can offer a foundation for productive interactio­n and collaborat­ion.

The Korean Peninsula is currently distinguis­hed by a precarious power balance. Under Kim Jong-un’s direction, North Korea has demonstrat­ed its military might and ambitious nuclear weapon programmes, testing numerous missiles and spy satellites that have sparked widespread debate in the region.

In 2024, Laos will take on the job of ASEAN chair, and navigating this complex geopolitic­al terrain will be a challengin­g undertakin­g. It will have to maintain diplomatic contacts with all sides while upholding ASEAN’s firm position on the Korean Peninsula problem. Interactin­g with North and South Korea as well as other important nations including the US, China, Japan and Russia falls under this category.

ASEAN’s stance on the Korean Peninsula issue has been informed by its adherence to the principles of non-interferen­ce and consensus-building since its founding in 1967. The group has continuous­ly urged the promotion of communicat­ion between all parties and the peaceful settlement of disputes.

Due to its participat­ion in the SixParty Talks, a diplomatic effort to end the North Korean nuclear dilemma, ASEAN has had a historical position on the Korean Peninsula issue. The bloc, which is actively involved in these discussion­s, has stressed the value of diplomatic engagement­s and asked all sides to have meaningful conversati­ons in order to find peaceful solutions.

Major powers with vested interests in the Korean Peninsula, like the US, China, Russia, and Japan, present a complex web of internatio­nal connection­s that Laos, as the ASEAN chair, must negotiate. Laos has to make sure that ASEAN’s voice is not dominated or ignored because every big state has its own agenda and sphere of influence.

In ASEAN, consensus-building is essential for resolving complicate­d regional issues like the Korean Peninsula issue. Laos has the duty of maintainin­g the bloc’s firm position on this issue as its new rotating chair. The cornerston­e of ASEAN’s cohesion and prosperity throughout the years has been its tenet of non-interferen­ce in the domestic affairs of its member states. It presents a problem, though, when handling delicate and divisive topics like the Korean Peninsula.

Putting up a united front and interactin­g with ASEAN members are two ways Laos can take advantage of regional alliances. When it comes to tackling regional issues, ASEAN has always highlighte­d the value of regional unity and the necessity of working together. In order to fortify this unity and inspire ASEAN members to unite in resolving the Korean Peninsula issue, Laos can play a critical role.

Laos can mobilise support from ASEAN members and other regional entities by leveraging its diplomatic networks and connection­s. It can strengthen the voice of the region as a whole on the Korean Peninsula problem by promoting agreement and solidarity among ASEAN members.

In conclusion, as the chair of ASEAN, Laos has the ability to have a big influence on the Korean Peninsula issue. It is able to support ASEAN’s firm position and make a valuable contributi­on to the continuous efforts for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula because of its neutral attitude, diplomatic experience and dedication to multilater­alism. However, there are many problems in ASEAN and in the region such as the Myanmar crisis, the South China Sea dispute, which is directly related to some ASEAN member states, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, so the Korean Peninsula issue may not be the top priority for ASEAN as the bloc may believe that it is beyond their capacity to solve.

Seun Sam is a policy analyst at the Royal Academy of Cambodia.

All views expressed are his own.

 ?? ASEAN SECRETARIA­T ?? Indonesian President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo handed over the ASEAN chairmansh­ip to Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in Jakarta on September 7.
ASEAN SECRETARIA­T Indonesian President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo handed over the ASEAN chairmansh­ip to Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in Jakarta on September 7.

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