Afro Poetry Times

Poet finds innovative way to rake in the money

Tenille Campbell wanted a creative way to raise funds and give back through her poems ..

- By Farai Diza

Her services included a phone call with the customer to learn more

She used the power of Instagram

When car trouble put Saskatchew­an poet Tenille Campbell behind on her tuition fees, she thought of a unique way come up with the money.

"I wanted to fundraise but I wanted to be able to give back in a good way as well," she said.

Campbell put out a call on Instagram: for $100 a pop, she would craft a custom love poem. The price also included a copy of her book Indian Love Poems and some custom stickers.

Within four hours, her tuition was paid and people from all over the country had contacted her.

"There's a real community stepping up and supporting me and each other," she told CBC's The Morning Edition. "It was really beautiful."

Her services included a phone call with the customer to learn more about the object of their affection and Campbell said some people really opened up during the phone calls.

"A lot of these poems were about self-love and love for their family and these very emotional things that I think all people can connect with," she said.

"A lot of times, it ended up with us both being tearyeyed and they were like 'I'd never talk about this.'"

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Campbell said she never expected to be so attached to the people she interviewe­d.

"It was really intimate. It really let me step back and see what I was doing and what I wanted my poetry to do which was create connection­s between us and how that this was a beautiful example of it working," she said.

She said she will consider offering the promotion again because so many people have contacted her with interest.

She said she will consider offering the promotion again because so many people have contacted her with interest. .

"February is right around the corner," she said.

February is affectiona­tely known as the month of love and it is celebrated worldwide by love birds. Gift shops the world over rake in a fortune from the sale of valentines merchandis­e. Poetry is also in high demand at this time of the year. That is because poetry has that ability to talk to the soul.

But poets are yet to fully monetize on this gold mine that comes hidden in the name of Valentines Day.

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