Annapolis Valley Register

Couldn’t get a fishing license?

- Outdoors

ver 50,000 angling licences are sold in Nova Scotia every year, said a story in a provincial newspaper on the season’s opening day.

I assume, like me, most of those 50,000 anglers were ready to go fishing by the time the first day dawned. There was a problem, however. Some of us couldn’t even if we had wanted to, because we couldn’t buy a licence.

At least I couldn’t without driving some distance and I assume other anglers were in the same situation. The day before the season opened, I tried to purchase a fishing licence at four different vendors in Kings County and was told the same story by all of them –the Department of Fisheries failed to send them the licences.

One of the most popular department stores in the Annapolis Valley was sold out of licences well before the season opened; they told me Fisheries had short-changed them, hadn’t sent the usual quota of fishing licenses and the store couldn’t meet the demand. On top of that, all they received were the licences and no angling handbooks. Five days after the season opened, this store received another package of licences, but no handbooks accompanie­d them.

After making a few calls, I concluded the Department of Fisheries and Aquacultur­e had somehow slipped up when it came to getting angling licences out to some areas in a timely manner, either shipping them late to retailers – as was the case with one vendor I called - or neglecting to send them at all. Besides the department store mentioned above, another vendor also said he received far fewer licences than usual and couldn’t supply the usual demand.

More than a few anglers I talked to were disgruntle­d with this situation and were quick to blame Fisheries. The vendors who hadn’t received their usual supply of fishing licences I contacted blamed Fisheries also, telling me the Department failed to send them their usual supply.

I commiserat­e with anglers who couldn’t buy a licence and didn’t get out on opening day. I have no idea how many were in this boat, or maybe it should be not in a boat (pardon the levity) because they couldn’t get a licence. At least nine vendors in my home county, who usually have fishing licences for sale, didn’t have them in time for opening day.

However, don’t blame Fisheries entirely if you had a problem getting a licence. In some cases, a few vendors hadn’t received enough licences to meet the demand, but generally there was no distributi­on problem. The fact is Fisheries clamped down on vendors who “might have had a bookkeepin­g problem” and …. well, this is a delicate situation so I have to be careful how I put it. Someone or somebody had a bookkeepin­g problem and as a result there were vendors that didn’t receive the fishing licences. If some of the vendors were responsibl­e for this happening, then they weren’t serving their clientele very well.

Anyway, it appears the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Inland Fisheries, Services Nova Scotia or whatever, definitely had the licences available. That’s the bottom line. However, neglecting to send out angling handbooks, which are part and parcel of the angling licence purchase, can’t be blamed on the vendors.


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