Annapolis Valley Register

Christmas Fete fun at Middleton Curling Club


We rarely seem to get a winter wonderland of snow this early in the season, but inside the Middleton Curling Club, the halls were decked, the carols were playing, and all was merry and bright.

Dec. 2 was the annual Christmas Fete, a day that combines curling, fundraisin­g, and a Christmas party. There was a full house for the 12team event and, as in past years, the holiday apparel was all it should be – flashy, glittery, outrageous and over-the-top. At the MCC holiday funspiel, curlers don’t stop at the “ugly sweater” but sport fancy hats, curling pants, jewellery -- and there were even three full Santa suits in the house! Some found it challengin­g to curl in their parapherna­lia, but many persevered for the sake of style.

While the curling was going on during the day, the ticket auction was also open in the bar room, which twinkled and glowed with all the seasonal arrangemen­ts. The more than 70 high-quality items leaned heavily toward the Christmas theme but there were items of a non-seasonal nature as well.

A number of community members who arrived for the auction were delighted to find there was curling in progress and several remarked they had never seen live curling before. Curling events at MCC are always open to public viewing, and while the level of curling may not match what is on the TV, there is a level of immediacy in live curling that really can have you on the edge of your seat.

The winners of the day’s event looked for all the world like a team of elves. President Cody Spidle skipped a team of three curlers from Grade 7 who all curled in full costume including beards, hats, mustaches etc. – which they kept on the entire time they played. Even so, they showed skill and composure – and energy – that put them in the lead.

Cody’s team of Adam Newman, Cole Sawler, and Matthew Newman won their games handily to be the champs for the day. The boys also curl in away bonspiels and do the club proud.

Curlers in the funspiel enjoyed a lunch together between games and there were prizes for everyone. The boys chose candy – you have to replace all that energy somehow! The Draw to the Button, held before the start of the ticket draw, was won by Cody Spidle. In fact, Cody was the first competitor, and his qualifying shot was only millimetre­s away from perfect. This seriously affected the confidence of the rest, and his shot held to get him the prize.

The ticket draw always takes on the aspect of a Christmas party, with Nancy Acker and Marcy Gaul being “Vanna and Vanna” showing the prizes and arranging the drawing of numbers. The audience plays along, cheering for some winners if in the audience and spending time working out who knows who if the winner is not present. This year it was a delightful mix of old and new winners and MCC hopes everyone returns next year.

Next up, the Big Breakfast on Dec. 16. Check us out at www. middletonc­

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