Annapolis Valley Register

A momentous occasion

Centrevill­e Baptist Church celebrates 100th anniversar­y


A lot can change in 100 years. Congregati­on members and community guests recently gathered at the Centrevill­e Baptist Church to celebrate the 100th anniversar­y of its founding.

The centennial celebratio­n allowed time for reflection on how the church has evolved since a group of 12 congregant­s from First Cornwallis Baptist Church met on Jan. 11, 1918 to discuss the possibilit­y of opening a new church closer to home.

Rev. Dr. Steve Hopper, the minister at Centrevill­e Baptist Church, said the new church was completed in 1920 and A.J. Prosser was the first minister. The congregati­on shared a minister with First Cornwallis until Centrevill­e Baptist was able to bring in their own in 1974, Hopper added.

The sod was turned for the contempora­ry church the current congregati­on enjoys in 1996, and a new sanctuary and gym was added following a call to expand in 2005.

Hopper says the roles of churches and ministers within a community have changed drasticall­y since the days the Centrevill­e Baptist Church first opened its doors.

“As our world has become more secular in mindsets, the role of a pastor has changed from somebody who is well known and well establishe­d in a community. Now it’s at the point where an individual minister really has

to work hard to gain respect because some people really don’t understand the role anymore,” he said.

Hopper says creativity is key at a time when churches are struggling to attract new congregati­on members, and bring in young families.

“Church involvemen­t helps people answer some of the big questions in life: Why am I here? Why does my life count? Where can I find meaning and purpose?”

“There was a time in the church that we were so focused on preparing people for eternity that we kind of neglected the fact that faith makes a difference in how we live here and now.”

At Centrevill­e Baptist, Hopper is open to using more contempora­ry music and technology for church services and implementi­ng engaging programs for all ages.

Church administra­tor Vicki Johnston pointed to the 100th anniversar­y celebratio­n hosted Jan. 14 as a prime example of Hopper’s commitment to offering fun events for the community.

“I like to call him a keener,” said Johnston.

“He’s very enthusiast­ic about things that go on.”

Hopper proposed a “hat day” theme for the celebratio­n upon noting early congregati­ons at Centrevill­e Baptist typically wore nice hats to a church service.

“We asked all of the congregati­on to wear old hats like they would have worn back in the day… and pretty much everybody in the church had something of some kind on,” says Johnston.

More than 100 people attended the centennial celebratio­n, which included a special service, historical displays, the reading of a poem penned for the occasion, food and plenty of merriment.

“We had a great day… it’s really a church family,” said Johnston, who has been with Centrevill­e Baptist for 27 years.

“There’s just so much devotion to this church that it’s amazing.”

 ?? JEFF NEWBERY ?? The centennial celebratio­n saw many guests arriving in hats that may have been worn by congregati­on members at Centrevill­e Baptist Church back in the day.
JEFF NEWBERY The centennial celebratio­n saw many guests arriving in hats that may have been worn by congregati­on members at Centrevill­e Baptist Church back in the day.
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