Annapolis Valley Register

Western Kings 4-H report

- BY THALIA TOBIN Thalia Tobin is the Western 4-H Club reporter.

The Western Kings 4-H Club recently met with a special time of revealing what they favourite winter activities are.

And looking ahead to warmer weather, members were reminded the 2018 giant vegetable will be the rutabaga. It is time to plan for spring despite the cold and snow.


General leader Mary Magee spoke about the chocolate bar campaign. We

are very pleased that the chocolate this year is from Laura Secord.

The bars are to be sold for $3 each. This is a fundraiser for 4-H Nova Scotia to help support the many 4-H programs. There are great prizes for the top selling members and each member who sells a box of 30 is entered into draws for prizes.

Mary also challenged members to remember this year’s 4-H slogan: “Let 4-H reign supreme in 2018.” Watch for displays throughout the province featuring this theme.


It will soon be time for the Kings County Public Speaking Rally. This

year it will be held March 24 at Evangeline Middle School. The public is welcome to attend. Other dates to note include Achievemen­t Days on Aug. 2 and 3 at the Apple Dome in Berwick and the Nova Scotia Provincial Show scheduled for Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 in Truro.


After the meeting was adjourned, speeches and demonstrat­ions began. We learned everything from training a horse to how to make devilishly good eggs. Congratula­tions to the following members who will be moving on to County Rally: Intermedia­te Speech, Mackenzie West, and Senior Double Demonstrat­ion, Mahala and Victoria Brydon.

We would also like to thank our judges who were fair and impartial in judging the talented array of presenters: Doug Butt, Rhonda Connell, Kaye Logie, Thelma Mcleod, Louise Rainforth and Chris Wickens.


The next club monthly meeting will be Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. After the

meeting we will be entertaine­d with our senior speeches and junior

demonstrat­ions. Note that the March meeting is early, March 6.

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