Annapolis Valley Register

Valley Waste says RCMP investigat­ion into ‘correspond­ence’ has concluded

RCMP investigat­ive officers not yet able to comment on details

- KINGSCOUNT­YNEWS.CA BRIDGETOWN, N.S. Sara.Ericsson@kingscount­

The Valley Region Solid WasteResou­rce Management Authority says an RCMP investigat­ion into a ‘correspond­ence’ it sent to the County of Annapolis has concluded.

The authority issued a release Dec. 21 stating RCMP had been conducting an investigat­ion in relation to a complaint received July 31 at the Annapolis district office in Bridgetown.

The release says the complaint allegedly referred to “correspond­ence received by Annapolis County from Valley Waste-Resource Management.”

Valley Waste communicat­ions manager Andrew Garrett says Valley Waste assumes the correspond­ence from July 31 is a letter the authority sent the county “informing them that collection would be seized, I think it was Aug. 8, if they hadn’t paid their bills,” he says.

Garrett says this letter was sent by the authority to the county July 31.

The release says RCMP have not laid charges in relation to the investigat­ion. It also says, “Valley Waste was never advised as to the nature of the complaint and are very pleased this matter has concluded.”

Garrett says the waste authority found out “through media” that the county had lodged a complaint with the RCMP, but were never advised on what it was regarding until contacting RCMP.

“Our general manager contacted the Bridgetown [RCMP] detachment and they confirmed they received a complaint and had a file open, but they couldn’t explain what it was about,” he says.

“And it was just yesterday that we got a letter from the district commander informing us that there was an investigat­ion, and that it’s now closed without any charges.”

RCMP public informatio­n officer Corp. Dal Hutchinson could not comment on the matter, and confirmed RCMP investigat­ive officers are not available to comment or confirm these details at this time.

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