Annapolis Valley Register

Unvaxxed driving hospital surge


First, I’d like to thank The Chronicle Herald for the excellent daily reporting of the pandemic situation in Nova Scotia. It is usually very helpful to those of us who want to assist the courageous health workers in stopping the spread of the virus.

However, I think that there could be a big improvemen­t in how the percentage­s are reported. Recently, it was reported that, of those in hospital due to COVID, 74.6 per cent were fully or partially vaccinated and 25.4 per cent were unvaccinat­ed. This is a misreprese­ntation of what is really happening.

Taking our provincial population as one million, and your reporter’s data that only 10 per cent of the population is unvaccinat­ed, then the following calculatio­ns give a truer picture of what is happening:

Vaccinated in hospital: (44 / 900,000) x 100% = 0.005% of the population.

Unvaccinat­ed in hospital: (15 / 100,000) x 100% = 0.015% of the population

It can very easily be seen that those who are unvaccinat­ed are being hospitaliz­ed at three times the rate of those who are vaccinated. According to your report, there were 29 new hospitaliz­ations over three days. At a ratio of 1:3, that would be 2.42 hospitaliz­ations of vaccinated persons daily and 7.25 hospitaliz­ations of unvaccinat­ed persons daily. If that rate were to continue for a year, then 883 vaccinated persons would be hospitaliz­ed and 2,646 unvaccinat­ed persons would be hospitaliz­ed.

In my opinion, it is time for everyone to look seriously at where we may be headed.

Gerri Robertson, Wolfville.

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