Asian Journal

Facebook expands security tools to protect elections globally


San Francisco: In order to further secure candidates and campaign staff vulnerable to hackers and nation-state actors during the elections, Facebook has introduced additional tools to protect political campaigns in the US and around the world. The social media giant has launched a pilot programme to expand its existing protection­s for users associated with US political campaigns ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections. “Candidates for federal or statewide office, as well as staff members and representa­tives from federal and state political party committees, can add additional security protection­s to their Pages and accounts,” Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Cybersecur­ity Policy at Facebook, wrote in a blog post late on Monday.

“We’ll help officials adopt our strongest account security protection­s, like two-factor authentica­tion, and monitor for potential hacking threats,” Gleicher added.

Over the past year, the company has invested in new technology and more people to stay ahead of bad actors who are determined to use Facebook to disrupt elections.

“This pilot programme is an addition to our existing security tools and procedures, and we will apply what we learn to other elections in the US and around the world,” said Facebook. “As we detect abuse, we will continue to share relevant informatio­n with law enforcemen­t and other companies so we can maximise our effectiven­ess,” it added.

According to a report in Download, a working paper released last week revealed a significan­t drop-off in the engagement­s 570 fake news sites received on Facebook since the 2016 US presidenti­al elections.

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