Asian Journal

If you can write a paragraph a day you can easily create outstandin­g content for your website


If you have been following along over the past few weeks you should by now be seeing improvemen­ts to your search engine rankings. If not, I suggest some patience and you continue to follow along.

I say again. If you are serious about finding leads, getting new customers and making sales, then SEO is your holy grail. Search Engine Optimizati­on should be right on the top of your marketing initiative­s.

Of course, marketing isn’t just a single silver bullet (don’t we wish), but one of many bullets all working in concert. We use our 7 step SEO builder to attract the search bots and get premium search rankings. Continuing this week, I am going to elaborate on one more of our builder steps.

My article last week spoke of the importance of creating your SEO plan and optimizing your site with keywords. This week I am going to shift focus to content strategy. High-quality, unduplicat­ed content on a brand’s onsite blog has a significan­t impact on SEO and search engine ranking. Unique content published regularly with 300-500 words, internal links to other relevant content and naturally placed keywords helps a website rank organicall­y for relevant search terms and keywords.

The more engaging, relevant, and keyword-rich your website content is, the more your visibility will improve in the search engines. Even better, when your prospects do find you, they are more likely to stay on the page and take action. And that’s your goal – right?

Google and the other search engines love fresh content. To keep your site fresh and always changing, add blog content on a regular basis. A good rule of thumb is to write three to five blogs posts for every keyword you use. Another simple strategy to follow is to go back to your old posts and link them to your latest content. Please also make sure your blog is mobile friendly, otherwise Google will simply turn a blind eye and ignore you.


Find some quiet time and give yourself a few hours to work your way through the strategy you will use for content.

Content done well and with SEO in mind will get the attention of the search-bots and rank your site accordingl­y. I’ve said before, effective local marketing is a well-orchestrat­ed mix of many things, including search engine optimizati­on. Local business owners know digital marketing is critical. Unfortunat­ely, through lack of commitment, consistenc­y or the lack of time to be creative, many fail to get their marketing off the ground.

I recognize setting up and maintainin­g SEO is not everyone’s most popular activity and yes, it can get complex. Having said that, in the time it takes you to get started, we can quick start your SEO and get quality leads flowing through your funnel.

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