
Blank Canvas


- STORY _Sanam Samanian PHOTOS _Doublespac­e

In Toronto’s Forest Hill, Canvas House is an outlier. Surrounded by stately Georgian homes, the residence (which is also a private art gallery) is shrouded in a meticulous­ly sculpted and undulating brick facade that signals a departure from the familiar. It also exemplifie­s how Partisans — the architectu­re firm behind the unconventi­onal expression — is able to manipulate a traditiona­l building material to create shock value.

With advances in automated assembly, 3D printing, robotics, augmented reality and digital design, modernday approaches to masonry have become more scientific and refined, forging a new frontier in innovation and its capabiliti­es. For Canvas House, however, Partisans chose to go a little old-school. The firm worked closely with local mason Finbarr Sheehan and his crew (which included Duffy + Associates and Picco), who individual­ly placed just over 16,200 bricks — one brick type in three different dimensions — onto repeating five-brick modules in a custom square-shaped “Voxel-bond” pattern reminiscen­t of the dot paintings of artist Larry Poons. Laid over two hundred sections, the bricks draw the eye across the surface in a frantic dance, creating the illusion of movement. Aside from aesthetics, the facade’s rhythm also serves two functions: It swells outward as an overhang above the door and recedes to allow light into the home around a second-floor skylight.

The resulting compositio­n is an ode to the elegance of Georgian architectu­re. It finds its way inside through gently curved walls that blend seamlessly with the ceilings, as well as architectu­ral fixtures like sinuously carved baseboards, door handles and handrails. Lightfille­d and mostly white, the interiors offer fluid, contemplat­ive and calm spaces that, in juxtaposit­ion with the crafted masonry work of the exterior, make the Canvas House an apt home for its residents and their captivatin­g contempora­ry art collection.

 ?? ?? The calculated patterning of the brick modules has an effect similar to staccato marks, lending the exterior a sense of movement.
LEFT AND BELOW: Following the rolling form of the brick, the entry and garage doors are “draped” in rippling custom-milled wood.
The calculated patterning of the brick modules has an effect similar to staccato marks, lending the exterior a sense of movement. LEFT AND BELOW: Following the rolling form of the brick, the entry and garage doors are “draped” in rippling custom-milled wood.
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