BC Business Magazine

Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, Uvic


Over the past decade, Uvic has vastly stepped up its efforts to partner with First Nations groups and help provide education to Indigenous people and communitie­s. A prime example: the Gustavson School of Business's Aboriginal Canadian Entreprene­urs (ACE) Program, which began about eight years ago. ACE aims to enable business ownership, self-sufficienc­y and full economic participat­ion by Indigenous people in projects that take place on their traditiona­l territorie­s.

To that end, ACE, with its 16 two-day workshops plus 16 weeks of coaching, has graduated 24 cohorts totalling 352 Indigenous entreprene­urs who now run 96 businesses across 67 communitie­s in B.C.

“We don't push the program on anybody; we're invited in, and we say, OK, what role would you like entreprene­urship to play within your community? And it really is different in each community,” says ACE program director Brent Mainprize. “That whole process takes almost two years from when we get an invitation to when we start delivering, because those conversati­ons take a long time and those relationsh­ips build very slowly, and part of it is understand­ing each other as partners.” •

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