Bloomberg Businessweek (North America)

Massage Apps Get A Pat on the Back

Soft Tissue ▶ In-home services Soothe and Zeel are expanding with new cash ▶ “It’s just the best thing that ever happened”


Victoria Land’s back aches. It’s been a month since the 31-year-old publicrela­tions manager’s last massage—her schedule’s unpredicta­ble. And almost as bad was the effort she used to have to put into trying to book an appointmen­t at her local spa. Instead, she pulls out her iphone and opens Zeel, an app that summons a masseuse to her on demand. “It can fit into my timetable,” she says. “The fact that you just do the whole thing in your apartment—it’s just the best thing that ever happened.”

In 19 U.S. cities, Zeel can send one of its 5,000-plus licensed massage therapists to your home, office, or hotel room in as little as an hour. Massages start at $105 for an hour, with prices varying by location, duration, and whether the customer needs a massage table. For devotees like Land, who says she uses the service at least once a

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