Bloomberg Businessweek (North America)

Burt’s Bees Goes From Big-box to Upscale

Cosmetics ▶ The personal-care brand has a fancier reputation abroad ▶ In the U. S., “the positionin­g was not to its best interest”


A best- selling item at the Burt’s Bees store in Seoul’s IFC Mall, a 0.6- ounce package of Res-q ointment for cuts and scratches, sells for 18,000 won (about $15.47)—almost three times the U. S. retail price. A 113- gram tube of diaper cream goes for about $26; the average price in America is $10.

Located amid major retailers such as Armani Exchange, Jill Stuart, and Uniqlo, the store is one of 13 standalone boutiques the Clorox- owned

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