Bloomberg Businessweek (North America)

A Much Closer Look At Nap Time

Apps ▶ America’s day care industry goes gaga for digital oversight ▶ “I know parents who sit and watch their kids all day at work”


Unless your toddler is a big talker, his days at preschool or day care can be largely mysterious. Many states require teachers to record attendance, scraped knees, and uneaten meals, but it’s easy for communicat­ion to break down, especially with kids who are semi- or nonverbal. Now, mobile apps with digital logbooks are pushing those updates into the cloud, where parents can track their children in real time.

America’s 770,000 preschools and day care centers take in $53 billion a year, estimates researcher Ibisworld. Some have moved into the mobile era on their own: The 900 employer77­0 sponsored day cares operated by publicly traded Bright Horizons Family Solutions let parents schedule backup care via a Bright Horizons app. But 9 out of 10 U.S. day cares are mom and pop operations tending to a handful of children, and IT isn’t a priority. So software developers saw a market for apps that could simplify the filing of paperwork. They say the appeal for parents was a bonus.


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