Calgary Herald

Merlin returns for Season 4


Merlin fans, rejoice: the medieval fantasy series returns for its Season 4 premiere tonight on Space.

If you’re behind, you’re also in luck: a Season 3 marathon begins at 5 a.m. That’s a lot of medieval fantasy. And if you’re REALLY behind and want to catch up, here’s some background: The BBC series is a re-imagining of the legend of King Arthur, in which the future king (Bradley James) and Merlin (Colin Morgan) are young contempora­ries. It follows the young wizard as he discovers his gift of magic, working under the tutelage of court physician Gaius (Richard Wilson, whose eyebrows alone deserve an Emmy). Merlin battles dark sorcerers, assassins and monstrous creatures in Camelot, all the while fulfilling his destiny to protect the young prince.

Regulars will recall that, in the Season 3 finale, Morgana (Katie Mcgrath) was crowned Queen of Camelot and Arthur formed a resistance against the new monarchy. Merlin believed he would fail and went to retrieve Excalibur.

In tonight’s episode, titled The Darkest Hour, Part 1, Morgana, empowered with magic that’s stronger than ever, summons the mighty Callieach to tear open “the veil between the two worlds,” unleashing creatures that cannot be killed. With King Uther a shadow of his former self, it falls to Arthur and his loyal knights to protect the kingdom.

Merlin is not great TV sci-fi. There’s a lot of clumsy, expository dialogue, and the swelling soundtrack is melodramat­ic and overdone. Plus, judging by all the freshly shampooed hair, perfect teeth, and showy makeup (at least on the women), accurately representi­ng the hygiene-challenged Middle Ages wasn’t a priority for the series’ creators.

But that will matter little to fans. Merlin still manages to entertain, with its (mostly) solid acting, good pacing, and convincing sets. (Space – 6 p.m.)

 ??  ?? Colin Morgan is young Merlin.
Colin Morgan is young Merlin.

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