Calgary Herald

Come on down, Bob Barker


Bob Barker is the retired game show host who refuses to quit. The former Price is Right star, turned animal activist, now has his critical eye on the Calgary Stampede after a contestant on his old show won a trip to our beloved rodeo.

Sadly for Barker, he’s formed attitudes about the Stampede based on second-hand informatio­n, having “read terrible things about them. It has a reputation, a notorious reputation for animal cruelty.”

He wants to see the Stampede disappear, along with all other rodeos and circuses, and “all forms of animal cruelty.”

On the 100th anniversar­y of the Stampede, such highprofil­e attacks seem sacrilegio­us, never mind untrue. While horses and other animals occasional­ly die during the 10-day event, enhancing animal safety and welfare is an ongoing priority. The Stampede works diligently with independen­t animal welfare groups, such as the Calgary Humane Society and the Alberta SPCA, throughout the year to develop best practices and improved procedures.

Perhaps Barker should attend the Stampede himself and form an opinion based on personal experience. Ald. Diane Colley-urquhart, a Stampede board member, has already extended an invite.

“He doesn’t have a clue on what he’s talking about, and actually, I would like to extend a warm, warm western welcome for him to come up and join us for the 100th anniversar­y,” she told local media.

We agree with ColleyUrqu­hart. Barker should behave like a contestant on his old show, and come on down.

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