Calgary Herald

Giants linebacker beat cancer


How’s this for a ready-made Super Bowl story? A New York Giants rookie is living his dream this week, a reserve linebacker suddenly on football’s biggest stage just 27 months removed from radiation treatments to attack cancer. Try to resist the magnetism. As Mark Herzlich basks in this spotlight, he’s also crediting a unique cast of characters for helping to fuel his comeback. Among them: a former Texas State defensive back, his best friend, and a class of energetic women crazy about cross-fit.

Where do you even start with Herzlich’s journey? He often begins with the timeline — from the diagnosis of Ewing’s sarcoma (a rare form of bone cancer) in his left femur on May 12, 2009, to the 168-day chemothera­py battle that came soon after to the major surgery three days before Thanksgivi­ng of that year in which doctors inserted a 13-inch titanium rod into his leg.

But to get from there (the exhaustion and mental torture) to here (Super Bowl xlvi)herzlich had to surfacross a tidal wave of sickness and outside doubt. Football had been taken away from him — potentiall­y forever.

At age 21. Just as he was about to enter his senior season at Boston College as one of the top linebacker­s in the country.

“Every kid has dreams,” Herzlich said. “Some people want to be firefighte­rs or policemen. Some want to be astronauts. I always wanted to be a profession­al football player. To be so close to that and all of a sudden have all that ripped away? It devastated me.”

Until Herzlich realized his innate competitiv­e fire could also be used to ignite his recovery.

Initially, realists lamented Herzlich’s NFL aspiration­s with four cruel words.

“That dream is over,” Herzlich remembered being told.

So he began focusing on baby steps.

“My thing then was I tried to be the best cancer patient I could be,” he said. “My goals were to have energy, to be alert at all times, to try not to get sick from my treatments.”

Herzlich also found inspiratio­n in unexpected places. That former Texas State defensive back? His name is Walter Musgrove, who broke his collarbone in 2005 only for doctors to discover he had Hodgkin’s disease.

Musgrove dug in, fought back and returned to football quicker than anyone could have imagined. So when he heard about Herzlich’s plight a few years later, he felt compelled to reach out. A unique friendship began. Herzlich now calls Musgrove his guardian angel, a voice of encouragem­ent who always seemed to call when Herzlich was feeling lowest.

Meanwhile, Herzlich’s best friend, Zack Migeot, offered lessons in dedication.

Migeot cancelled his summer at the Jersey shore in 2009, promising instead to be by Herzlich’s side during his cancer treatments.

“Sure enough, every morning at 7 a.m. Zack was at my door,” Herzlich said. “He was with me at every single treatment I had that whole summer. For what he was willing to give me friendship-wise, I knew I had to get better.”

Then there was that cross-fit class at BC that Herzlich used as he began reviving his cardiovasc­ular strength and rediscover­ing his confidence.

“It was basically me and 25 girls,” Herzlich said. “And these girls could run for days. I would compete with them in that way, try to keep up. It was cool for me. Because it didn’t have to be this meathead gym stuff. Seeing them go as hard as they were all the time, it pushed me.”

 ?? Jeff Haynes, Reuters ?? rookie Mark Herzlich is on football’s biggest stage this week 27 months after radiation treatments to battle cancer. The reserve linebacker isn’t likely to play a big role Sunday, but just being here is a major personal victory.
Jeff Haynes, Reuters rookie Mark Herzlich is on football’s biggest stage this week 27 months after radiation treatments to battle cancer. The reserve linebacker isn’t likely to play a big role Sunday, but just being here is a major personal victory.

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