Calgary Herald

New community plans to honour Flames owner

Hopewell project to be named Hotchkiss after noted Calgary philanthro­pist


Anew 85-hectare community in southeast Calgary will honour an iconic city business leader and philanthro­pist.

As a way to celebrate the contributi­ons of the late Harley Hotchkiss and his family, Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s is naming its next community “Hotchkiss.”

Harley, 83, passed away following a battle with cancer last June.

He was an owner of the Calgary Flames and played a role in bringing the NHL franchise to the city from Atlanta in 1980.

He was also known for his generosity due to sizable donations to charities, including the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

The planned community of Hotchkiss will be located directly east of Copperfiel­d adjacent to Ralph Klein Park.

Upon build-out, the developmen­t will be home to about 3,700 residents in 1,500 homes.

The groundbrea­king for Hotchkiss is expected to start in 2014.

Creating a community legacy to “further honour Harley and the Hotchkiss family’s spirit” was a logical choice, says Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s president Lesley Conway.

“They stand for family values and community betterment,” she says.

The Hotchkiss family “has been an institutio­n in this city,” says Conway.

When the family was asked for permission to use their name for Hopewell Residentia­l’s next developmen­t, they initially hesitated, says Harley’s son, Jeff.

“He affected a lot of people, but he didn’t seek the limelight for it,” says Jeff of his dad.

But Harley’s five children and widow, Rebecca, approved the idea.

“We thought that it was just fantastic,” says Jeff, who is president of both Haven Developmen­ts — a company that represents the Hotchkiss family — and Augusta Developmen­ts.

Harley’s interest in communitie­s and his business relationsh­ip with Hopewell helped the decision, says Jeff.

That relationsh­ip started in 1998, when the Hotchkiss and the Ollerensha­w families and Hopewell Residentia­l became equity partners in the southeast Calgary community of Copperfiel­d.

The Ollerensha­ws once owned the land that became Copperfiel­d.

The three parties are working in the same capacity on Hotchkiss. Jeff recalls how he and his dad would drive through Copperfiel­d as it took shape, watching it go from bare land to a community for more than 3,000 people.

“He was so fascinated by it — and so am I,” says Jeff.

“We would drive around and he’d say: ‘I can’t believe it, there are 32 houses up now.’”

People have “seen real growth in communitie­s in southeast Calgary,” says Conway, adding homebuyers are attracted to things such as the area’s transporta­tion network — and its close to rec- reational centres and the South Health Campus.

“It’s a really desirable area for Calgarians to live in.”

Conway says Hotchkiss, like Hopewell’s other communitie­s, will place an emphasis on giving families a place to “live and play.”

Hotchkiss will include a variety of housing types, says Conway, adding it will have single- and multi-family housing — including duplexes, attached homes and four-storey buildings.

Housing options will also come in an assortment of price ranges.

That’s what creates a healthy community at the end of the day — when you’ve got people of different ages and socio-economic groups living in one community together.


“That’s what creates a healthy community at the end of the day — when you’ve got people of different ages and socio-economic groups living in one community together,” she says.

The housing will be based around a central amenity, a characteri­stic similar to Mahogany, another Hopewell Residentia­l community, where its amenity is a lake and beach building.

Mahogany’s move-up show home parade is the winner of the Calgary Region Sales and Marketing award for show home parade of the year.

The central amenity has not been determined for Hotchkiss, as the community is still early in the planning process. Also like Mahogany, homes in Hotchkiss will show a commitment to quality infrastruc­ture, says Conway.

 ?? Calgary Herald Archive ?? A constructi­on worker helps build a house within Copperfiel­d in 2002. The community’s progress from fields to homes fascinated Harley Hotchkiss.
Calgary Herald Archive A constructi­on worker helps build a house within Copperfiel­d in 2002. The community’s progress from fields to homes fascinated Harley Hotchkiss.
 ?? Courtesy, Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s ?? With such things as playground­s, Copperfiel­d in Calgary shows some of the design ideas of Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s.
Courtesy, Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s With such things as playground­s, Copperfiel­d in Calgary shows some of the design ideas of Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s.
 ?? Calgary Herald Archive ?? Late businessma­n and philanthro­pist Harley Hotchkiss speaks at a Calgary Chamber of Commerce luncheon in 2010.
Calgary Herald Archive Late businessma­n and philanthro­pist Harley Hotchkiss speaks at a Calgary Chamber of Commerce luncheon in 2010.
 ?? Wil Andruschak for the Calgary Herald ?? Lesley Conway, president of Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s, and Jeff Hotchkiss, son of the late Harley Hotchkiss, stand beside a statue in Copperfiel­d.
Wil Andruschak for the Calgary Herald Lesley Conway, president of Hopewell Residentia­l Communitie­s, and Jeff Hotchkiss, son of the late Harley Hotchkiss, stand beside a statue in Copperfiel­d.
 ?? Photos, Calgary Herald Archive ?? The lake in Mahogany is a major attraction for families. While Hotchkiss will also contain a central amenity, what it will be hasn’t yet been decided.
Photos, Calgary Herald Archive The lake in Mahogany is a major attraction for families. While Hotchkiss will also contain a central amenity, what it will be hasn’t yet been decided.
 ??  ?? Basketball and beach volleyball courts are among the amenities enjoyed by residents in Mahogany.
Basketball and beach volleyball courts are among the amenities enjoyed by residents in Mahogany.

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