Calgary Herald

Ex-wives paying more alimony, child support


Tables have turned in U.S. divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before, according to U.S. lawyers. As women climb higher up the career ladder and outpace their exes in salary, when love goes wrong and marriages break up they are being compelled to contribute to the livelihood of their former spouses. And some are not happy about it.

More than half, 56 per cent, of divorce lawyers across the U.S. have seen an increase in mothers paying child support in the past three years and 47 per cent have noted a hike in the number of women paying alimony, according to the American Academy of Matrimonia­l Lawyers.

“It shows that women have really moved up financiall­y and that in many instances they are the major bread winners in a lot of families,” said Alton Abramowitz, the president-elect of the academy.

“The glass ceiling has been pierced and more and more women have taken over the financial responsibi­lities and have been saddled with them as well.”

Abramowitz, who has been practicing law for 39 years, described the findings of the survey and the changed role of women in the workforce as a sea change. In his graduating law school class of 135, there were just six women.

Data from the Digest of Education Statistics show that the number of men and women receiving medical degrees in the U.S. is almost equal, unlike 1980 when only about a third of medical degrees were awarded to women. The number of women getting law degrees has nearly doubled.

“You are seeing the results of that, the impact, now in terms of the profession­s,” Abramowitz said.

Just as many men grumbled about paying alimony to their former wives, women are not pleased with the turnaround.

“We see women who are every bit as angry as their male counterpar­ts, maybe more so, when they are confronted with the concept of paying spousal support to a man,” Abramowitz said.

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