Calgary Herald

MPS finally end 24-hour voting marathon on Tory budget bill


Members of Parliament completed a marathon voting session Thursday night on the Conservati­ve government’s budget bill, voting on hundreds of amendments in an exercise that lasted nearly 24 hours.

The voting, which began at 1 a.m. Thursday, ran non-stop until just after 11 p.m. when the bill finally passed.

Huge cheers from his caucus greeted NDP Tommulcair as he rose to vote on the final amendment.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper received an even more rapturous applause when he led the Conservati­ve votes against. Harper turned to thank his cheering ranks before sitting.

NDP House leader Nathan Cullen rose to thank the Commons staff for their marathon efforts. “We’ve had somewhat extraordin­ary experience together, the longest Wednesday hump day in Canadian history,” he quipped as every MP rose in a standing ovation.

Opposition members tabled some 871 amendments to the omnibus Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, which they denounced as a “Trojan horse” and an affront to the principles of democracy.

The bill contains changes to dozens of statutes, ranging from employment insurance and public pensions to environmen­tal assessment­s, border security and spy agency oversight.

The governing conservati­ves insisted the 400-page bill is responsibl­e and necessary to ensure Canada’s economy can weather the coming economic storm.

Earlier in the day with 20 votes remaining, chief government whip Gordon O’connor asked to have the rest of the proceeding­s moved on division — in other words a single, final vote.

The NDP responded it would agree if the government immediatel­y proceeded to question period; the Liberals said they’d agree if the Conservati­ves split up the omnibus bill.

Green party leader elizabeth May rose to make a counteroff­er, but was shouted down by the Conservati­ve ranks.

“Mr. Speaker, what I’m prepared for is a defeat on division; that’s what I want,” barked back O’connor, a re- tired brigadier-general.

“There would appear to be no unanimous consent for anything in this House at this time,” said deputy Speaker Barry Devolin, with considerab­le understate­ment.

This piece of nastiness resulted in opposition MPs again stalling their voting, rising as slowly as possible to be counted. The Conservati­ves countered by reducing their margin of victory, putting fewer MPs in the House to speed up the count.

But in truth it was the Conservati­ves who appeared to be having all the fun, cackling and mugging and whooping while the New Democrats and Liberals noticeably wilted.

Tories were using stuffed animals as seat-holders when they left the chamber, and at one point Dr. Kellie Leitch, an orthopedic surgeon, put a splint on the dislocated finger of fellow Conservati­ve MP Pat Davidson.

While the very first vote early Thursday resulted in a government win of 150-133, by mid-evening Thursday the Conservati­ves were thumping the flagging minority by a margin of two-to-one on occasion.

The bill is to get third reading on Monday, then it goes to Senate.

 ?? Adrian Wyld, The Canadian Press ?? Conservati­ve MP Greg rickford stands to vote on budget bill C38. the voting, which began at 1 a.m. thursday, ran non-stop until just after 11 p.m. when the bill finally passed.
Adrian Wyld, The Canadian Press Conservati­ve MP Greg rickford stands to vote on budget bill C38. the voting, which began at 1 a.m. thursday, ran non-stop until just after 11 p.m. when the bill finally passed.

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