Calgary Herald

All government­s are great at hiding public informatio­n


From the federal government to provincial government­s, the tendency to hide informatio­n taxpayers have bought and paid for seems all too common. Regardless of the party label, few government­s give up informatio­n that is potentiall­y embarrassi­ng without a fight.

In Alberta, the most recent example came courtesy of the University of Calgary, which allegedly contravene­d the provincial Elections Act by donating money to the governing Progressiv­e Conservati­ves. In that instance, the university’s former general counsel, Charlene Anderson, wrote in an internal e-mail that she thought the practice was “illegal and is unacceptab­le.”

That revelation came in addition to earlier reports that Brian Fjeldheim, Alberta’s chief electoral officer, found at least 41 questionab­le donations from other taxpayer-funded bodies to the ruling party. Regrettabl­y, Fjeldheim has pointed out that he cannot release specific informatio­n on those donations because provincial law forbids it.

The law and its idiosyncra­sies are the creation of the current provincial government, which at present is ruled by the party that benefited from the possible illegal donations. That is a self-enclosed loop of secret keeping and non-accountabi­lity.

Alberta’s government is not alone in the tendency to block the release of informatio­n that is less than flattering to the ruling party. Federal Conservati­ves have acted the same way on other files.

In access to informatio­n requests I’ve filed over the years, I’ve noticed that they rarely come back quickly. One recent request for the simple 16-page costsharin­g agreement between the federal and Ontario government­s on the 2009 automotive bailout took five months to obtain, this after an additional two months of informal requests to Ottawa and Queen’s Park.

The disclosure took that long even though the agreement contained nothing that could infringe upon someone’s personal privacy, or would endanger national security.

It is even rarer when such informatio­n requests come back complete. Most often, especially on repayment records for companies that have taken out loans from government, such informatio­n is blacked out. The responding government letters always note that sections of federal legislatio­n prohibit disclosure of certain “confidenti­al” financial informatio­n. Of course, such informatio­n is “confidenti­al” because the government wrote the law that way, presumably because a lack of repayments by multiple companies might be looked on unfavourab­ly by the general public, or be seen as a subsidy by competitor­s. The law could and should be changed to provide more transparen­cy.

The federal government (under Conservati­ves and Liberals alike) has always been lousy at disclosing repayment records on taxpayer loans to businesses. However, after 2009, the Conservati­ves were happy to roll out a plethora of announceme­nts on every dollar and dime in taxpayerfu­nded lolly for this or that stimulus project. Initially, on stimulus spending, the Conservati­ve government reported to Parliament every three months, but that was merely to detail the goodies disbursed.

What was invariably missing was accurate accounting for money to be paid back. In this, Canadian government reporting is distinctly inferior to how the American federal government reports to its taxpayers. There, under terms agreed to by the Bush administra­tion and the U.S. Congress, and which continues in the Obama years, the U.S. Treasury Department publicly reports monthly on the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

So, anyone with access to a web browser can see which financial institutio­n or automotive company received tax dollars, how much, and what, if anything, has been paid back.

For example, in the latest TARP report from May, American taxpayers can see that under TARP, GM received $51 billion, repaid $23.2 billion, that $4.4 billion was categorize­d as a loss, and that the U.S. government still expects $23.4 billion to be repaid.

In contrast, Canada’s federal Finance department produces no such monthly report to Parliament with such a breakdown and never has.

That means taxpayers either have no idea, or have the wrong idea, about how such Canadian stimulus programs, or any others, turn out. For instance, in late May 2011, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced that Chrysler Canada had repaid its stimulus-era government loans “in full, six years ahead of schedule.”

But that was incorrect, as even Flaherty was forced to acknowledg­e in response to a reporter’s question two days later at a news conference. Then, the Finance minister noted Chrysler had paid back just $1.7 billion out of $2.9 billion in loans. The remaining $1.2 billion was owed from the “old,” pre-bankrupt Chrysler. That meant $1.2 billion would never be repaid.

If taxpayers want clear, consistent and full disclosure on how Canadian government loans to Chrysler and GM played out, in a manner akin to U.S. reporting, or want informatio­n on additional corporate welfare, or on allegedly illegal donations made to a government party in Alberta, they will find Canadian government­s act rather clamlike in response to demands for informatio­n that should always be publicly available.

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