Calgary Herald

‘Might as well dance’ is Palins’ mantra

Political family making mark on reality TV


It’s easy to make fun of the Palins’ penchant for playing themselves on television.

But while it was a little odd to have a former vice-presidenti­al candidate at a poolside party at the Beverly Hilton last week to promote her husband’s appearance on an upcoming NBC “reality” competitio­n, Stars Earn Stripes, and only a few days later, at the same hotel, have ABC introduce her oldest daughter to the Television Critics Associatio­n as one of the returning “all-star” competitor­s on Dancing With the Stars, we’re in an odd time, and in an odd place.

Still, while Dancing host Tom Bergeron insisted last week that Bristol Palin hasn’t yet “really gone full Kardashian,” the spectre of that family of E! Entertainm­ent-made celebritie­s hovers over the Palin’s growing number of projects.

For those keeping count at home, we’ve had TLC’s Sarah Palin’s Alaska; Bristol’s first stint on Dancing With the Stars, followed by a never-aired Bio channel “reality” show featuring Bristol, her son Tripp and her fellow Dancing alum Kyle Massey that was apparently repurposed — without Massey — to become her current Lifetime show, Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp; and now Stars Earn Stripes, in which Alaska’s former First Dude will compete with the likes of Laila Ali and Nick Lachey to raise money for military and first-responder charities by participat­ing in challenges based on military exercises. (It premieres Aug. 13 on Global and NBC.)

But while they may be just about keeping up with the Kardashian­s, who’ve had four E! shows that are arguably all pretty similar and three rounds on Dancing With the Stars, the Palins, I’m beginning to realize, can’t be so easily dismissed. For one thing, they’re diversifyi­ng, having worked on multiple networks on projects that don’t all look alike.

More important, perhaps, is the story they tell about their presence in our living rooms. Because just as they seem to have for most of Sarah Palin’s political career, the family’s constructe­d a narrative in which being on TV isn’t cashing in or overstayin­g their 15 minutes: it’s part of their decision to live their lives “vibrantly,” advice Sarah Palin told me comes from her husband, Todd, and from their oldest daughter.

“We took a good lesson from our daughter Bristol, who, when she was asked to be on Dancing With the Stars — and you know I warned her that the critics were going to be harsh — and she said, ‘Mom, the critics are going to criticize and the haters are going to hate, anyway — you might as well dance.’ ”

Now, she said, “Part of our life’s mantra is, ‘Might as well dance.’ We will seize opportunit­y.”

Neverthele­ss, the older Palins do seem to draw a distinctio­n between their daughter’s shows and their own.

“Our girls are independen­t, and as far as, you know, when they’re 20 years old, you know, they’re on their own. And so when she’s doing a show, we’re not going to be hovering over her 24/7 and she’s going to learn on her own. Any situation’s going to be a life lesson, positive or negative,” Todd Palin said when asked about a recent incident in which Bristol’s toddler son was caught on tape using a not very nice word.

And the Palins aren’t just “reality” TV stars, but fans.

“There’s a ton of Alaska shows, and I enjoy watching all of them,” said Todd Palin. “Most of these Alaska shows, they’re out in the elements, whether gold-mining, or Bering Sea or Deadliest Catch.”

As for whether any of this might hurt any political aspiration­s his wife might still have, “We take life one step at a time,” he said. “No. 1 is the health of our family. And as opportunit­ies come, we’ll decide. But we never think, ‘Oh, can’t step this way, because, you know, it’ll cut your opportunit­y down over here.’ ”

 ?? Bill Pugliano/getty Images ?? Sarah Palin and members of her family are giving the Kardashian­s a run for their money when it comes to reality TV series.
Bill Pugliano/getty Images Sarah Palin and members of her family are giving the Kardashian­s a run for their money when it comes to reality TV series.

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