Calgary Herald

Security experts say cyber attacks a growing threat

Pose greatest danger next to WMD


Cyber attacks are accelerati­ng at a pace that suggests the Internet — already a risky environmen­t — is likely to pose a steadily growing threat to individual­s and companies for years to come.

That’s the sombre consensus of security and Internet experts participat­ing in the giant Black Hat cybersecur­ity conference that concluded here last week.

Internet-generated attacks comprise “the most significan­t threat we face as a civilized world, other than a weapon of mass destructio­n,” Shawn Henry, former head of the FBI’s cybercrime unit, told some 6,500 attendees in a keynote address.

Jon Stewart, Dell SecureWork­s’ director of malware research, presented research detailing the activities of two large cyber gangs — one based in Shanghai, the other in Beijing — that have cracked into the networks of thousands of companies over the past halfdozen years.

The attacks invariably begin by infecting the computer of one employee, then using that machine as a toehold to patiently probe deep into the company’s network. The end game: to steal customer lists, patents, bidding proposals and other sensitive documents.

Each gang is made up of dozens of employees playing complement­ary roles in attacks that are “stealthy and persistent,” Stewart said. “Even if they do get discovered and get kicked out of a network, they come back, targeting a different employee.”

Another gang, analyzed by Dell SecureWork­s researcher Brett Stone-Gross, has been blasting out spam, designed to slip past spam filters.

The messages carry instructio­ns to click on a link to read bogus delivery invoices, airline reservatio­ns or cellphone bills.

The link, however, takes the user to a web page that installs malicious software.

Stone-Gross said the gang currently has access to 678,000 infected PCs, some of which are used to carry out its lucrative specialty: orchestrat­ing fraudulent wire transfers from online banking accounts.

Meanwhile, a different category of hacker is stepping up attacks, not on individual PCs, but on company websites. Website attacks now routinely occur, as criminals probe for ways to breach databases carrying usernames, passwords and other valuable data, said David Koretz, general manager of website security firm Mykonos, a division of Juniper Networks.

Some successful website hackers enjoy boasting — by publicly posting some, if not most, of the stolen data.

 ?? Jacob Kepler/bloomberg ?? Hackers continue to present a threat to companies and individual­s on the Internet, cybersecur­ity experts say.
Jacob Kepler/bloomberg Hackers continue to present a threat to companies and individual­s on the Internet, cybersecur­ity experts say.

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