Calgary Herald

Colorado suspect mentally ill: lawyers


Attorneys for the suspect in the Colorado movie theatre shootings said Thursday their client is mentally ill and that they need more time to assess the nature of his illness.

James Holmes’ lawyers made the disclosure at a court hearing in suburban Denver where news media organizati­ons were asking a judge to unseal court documents in the case.

Holmes, a 24-year-old former PHD student at the University of Colorado, Denver, had the familiar, dazed demeanour that he has had in previous court appearance­s.

Holmes is accused of going on a July 20 shooting rampage at a midnight showing of the latest Batman movie in Aurora, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others.

Defence attorney Daniel King made the revela- tion about Holmes as he argued defence attorneys need more informatio­n from prosecutor­s and investigat­ors to assess their client.

King said Holmes sought out university psychiatri­st Lynne Fenton for help. He did not elaborate. A hearing was scheduled for Aug. 16 to establish whether there is a doctor-patient relationsh­ip between Fenton and Holmes.

Twenty-one news organiza- tions, including The Associated Press, were also asking Chief District Judge William Sylvester to scale back a gag order that bars the university from releasing details about Holmes.

Arapahoe County prosecutor­s argue releasing documents could jeopardize their investigat­ion. Holmes’ attorneys want to ensure he receives a fair trial.

Sylvester’s order sealing documents includes the case file, which makes it impossible for observers to understand arguments on motions that are referenced by number only.

Sylvester on July 23 also issued a gag order that bars officials at the University of Colorado from responding to public records requests concerning Holmes.

The judge said doing so would jeopardize the county’s investigat­ion. Aurora officials have cited the order in declining to speak about the city’s response to the shootings.

“It is performing our watchdog role to look at the process and try to assess for the public how the police have handled the case and assembled the evidence and assure for the defendant and the public that things are being conducted open and fairly,” said Gregory Moore, editor of The Denver Post. “It goes way beyond what’s necessary to protect the defendant’s right to a fair trial.”

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