Calgary Herald

Defence rejects alleged confession


When Sheldon Worme told an undercover officer playing the boss of a fictitious crime organizati­on that he played a significan­t role in the murder of Daniel Levesque, 29, it was only to maintain his position in the group, his lawyer told a jury on Wednesday.

Tonii Roulston said Worme was telling the truth when he initially told Det. Darren Berglind at a Vancouver hotel in January 2009 that he did not help kill the victim during a robbery, but it was not what the bogus crime boss wanted to hear.

“What (the undercover officers) were trying to get was a statement from Sheldon, that’s all they want,” Roulston said in her final argument of Worme’s first-degree murder trial. Roulston urged the jury to convict Worme of no more than manslaught­er.

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Sheldon Bertrum Worme

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