Calgary Herald

Police escort for maple syrup


transport • In many places, gold shipments will get their own police escort. In others, nuclear materials might get that same security treatment.

But what about Canada, eh?

In this country, the protected material can be maple syrup. A convoy of 16 trailer-loads of the sweet stuff on Wednesday undertook an interprovi­ncial journey — accompanie­d by a squad of provincial police cars.

The shipment stems from an investigat­ion into a stolen haul from a Quebec warehouse and the sticky substance is on its way back home from neighbouri­ng New Brunswick.

Yvon Poitras, the general manager of the New Brunswick Maple Syrup Associatio­n, says the goods came from a New Brunswick exporter.

“(The convoy’s) under police protection going somewhere in Quebec,” he said.

“We’ve been asked not to talk because it’s under investigat­ion.”

Police confirm that an investigat­ion is underway.

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