Calgary Herald

U.K. growth forecast cut


Chancellor of the Exche

quer George Osborne unveiled a cut in the

government’s economic

growth forecasts and said

the budget deficit will take

longer to tame than he originally planned.

Forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity show the economy will shrink 0.1 per cent this year instead of the 0.8 per cent growth predicted in March, and expand 1.2 per

cent next year instead of 2

per cent, Osborne said in

his autumn statement to Parliament. He extended his fiscal consolidat­ion by one year to the 2017-18 fiscal year and said he will miss his target to start cutting debt as a percentage of gross domestic product in 2015 by a year.

The announceme­nt drew attacks from the opposition Labour Party, which says he

is damaging the economy

by trying to cut the deficit too quickly.

The chancellor is already struggling to rebuild his

reputation after a decision to cut income taxes for the highest earners in his March budget and a series of policy U-turns cost his Conservati­ve Party support

with voters.

“While our deficit is fore

cast to go on falling, instead of taking three years to get

our debt falling, it’s going to

take four,” Osborne said.

 ??  ?? George Osborne
George Osborne

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