Calgary Herald

Rice pulls hat from ring

John Kerry now in line for secretary of state


Susan Rice, the embattled UN ambassador, abruptly withdrew from considerat­ion to be the next secretary of state on Thursday after a bitter, weeks-long standoff with Republican senators who declared they would fight to defeat her nomination.

The reluctant announceme­nt makes Massachuse­tts Sen. John Kerry the likely choice to be the nation’s next top diplomat when Hillary Clinton departs next month. Rice withdrew when it became clear her political troubles were not going away, and support inside the White House for her potential nomination had been waning in recent days, administra­tion officials said.

In another major part of the upcoming cabinet shakeup for U.S. President Barack Obama’s second term, former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska now is seen as the front-runner to be defence secretary, with official word expected as soon as next week.

For the newly re-elected president, Rice’s withdrawal was a sharp political setback and a sign of the difficulti­es Obama faces in a time of divided and divisive government. Already, he had been privately weighing whether picking Rice would cost him political capital he would need on later votes.

When Rice ended the embarrassm­ent by stepping aside, Obama used the occasion to criticize Republican­s who were adamantly opposed to her possible nomination.

“While I deeply regret the unfair and misleading attacks on Susan Rice in recent weeks, her decision demonstrat­es the strength of her character,” he said.

“I am saddened we have reached this point,” Rice said.

Obama made clear she would remain in his inner circle, saying he was grateful she would stay as “our ambassador at the United Nations and a key member of my cabinet and national security team.” Rice, too, said in her letter she would be staying.

Rice had become the face of the bungled administra­tion account of what happened in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012 when four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, were killed in what is now known to have been a terrorist attack. Obama had defiantly declared he would chose her for secretary of state regardless of the political criticism, if he wanted, but such a choice could have got his second term off to a turbulent start with Capitol Hill.

In a letter to Obama, Rice said she was convinced the confirmati­on process would be “lengthy, disruptive and costly.” The letter was part of a media rollout aimed at upholding her reputation. It included an NBC News interview in which she said her withdrawal “was the best thing for our country.”

Rice may end up close to Obama’s side in another way, as his national security adviser should Tom Donilon move on to another position — though that move is not expected in the near future. The security adviser position would not require Senate confirmati­on.

Rice would have faced strong opposition from Senate Republican­s who challenged her much-maligned televised comments about the cause of the deadly raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Her efforts to satisfy Sen. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Kelly Ayotte and Susan Collins in unusual, private sessions on Capitol Hill fell short. The Republican­s emerged from the meetings still expressing doubts about her qualificat­ions.

“The position of secretary of state should never be politicize­d,” Rice said. “As someone who grew up in an era of comparativ­e bipartisan­ship and as a sitting U.S national security official who has served in two U.S. administra­tions, I am saddened that we have reached this point.”

Attention now shifts to Kerry, who came close to winning the presidency in 2004 and has been seen as desiring the State Department job. In a statement, he made no mention of his own candidacy but praised Rice, who was an adviser to him his in his presidenti­al bid.

Kerry was an early backer of Obama and was under considerat­ion to become his first secretary of state. Obama has dispatched Kerry to foreign hot spots on his behalf. Kerry also played the role of Republican Mitt Romney during Obama’s presidenti­al debate preparatio­ns this year. The longtime senator would be almost certain to be easily confirmed by his colleagues on Capitol Hill.

If Obama taps Kerry for State, the president will create a potential problem for Democrats by opening a Senate seat — one that recently defeated Republican Sen. Scott Brown is eyeing. Brown had been elected as Massachuse­tts’ other senator in January 2010 after Democrat Ted Kennedy died, stunning the political world as he took the seat held by Kennedy for decades. Brown lost that seat in the November election.

House Democratic women had cast the criticism of Rice as sexist and racist — she is African-American — and some expressed disappoint­ment with the news.

“If judged fairly based solely on her qualificat­ions for the job, she would’ve made an extraordin­ary secretary of state,” said Rep. Karen Bass, a Democrat from California and member of the House foreign affairs committee.

Rice did not have a strong relationsh­ip with members of the Senate. Graham, who is the top Republican on the Appropriat­ions subcommitt­ee that handles foreign aid and the State Department, said he barely knew her.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? U.S. UN ambassador Susan Rice withdrew her nomination as secretary of state after a bitter standoff with Republican senators.
The Associated Press U.S. UN ambassador Susan Rice withdrew her nomination as secretary of state after a bitter standoff with Republican senators.

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